Wietie first published in 1980 by Christopher van Wyk and Fhazel Johennesse, Wietie provided a literary platform for the prevailing philosophy of Black Consciousness. It gave voice to a new generation of South African writers who saw their work not only as a critique on oppressive systems, but - like Black Power
Black Power
Black Power is a political slogan and a name for various associated ideologies. It is used in the movement among people of Black African descent throughout the world, though primarily by African Americans in the United States...

 - as a weapon of transformation.

Content and Themes

In keeping with this, the magazine employed a language that was both literary and defiant. Openly declaring its commitment to the 'communication of revolutionary writing,' while also providing a space to explore the realities of everyday life under apartheid, it published fiction, poetry and prose that challenged the both the political, cultural and racial status. Combining wit and humour with openly political writing, Wietie did not survive long under the Apartheid administration.


After the first issue was picked up by the police in February 1980, the censors banned it, first on the grounds of obscenity (specifically, they objected to the use of the word 'fuck' in the short story 'Aunt Molly and the Girls'), then on the grounds of sedition. After Wietie was forced to close down, Christopher van Wyk
Christopher van Wyk
Christopher van Wyk is a South African children’s book author, novelist and poet.Van Wyk was educated at Riverlea High School in Riverlea, Johannesburg, where he lived until 2005. He worked as a clerk for the independent South African Committee for Higher Education as an educational writer of...

 returned to Staffrider
Staffrider was a South African literary magazine.Staffrider was first published in 1977, and took its name from slang for people hanging outside or on the roof of overcrowded, racially segregated trains....

to become chief editor.
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