Wild Lives
Wild Lives is a spin-off of Horrible Histories
Horrible Histories
Horrible Histories is a series of illustrated history books published in the United Kingdom by Scholastic. They are designed to engage children in history by concentrating on the unusual, gory, or unpleasant. The series has proved exceptionally successful in commercial terms...

and written by Nick Arnold
Nick Arnold
Nick Arnold is the author of the award winning series, Horrible Science and Wild Lives. Arnold's first published works appeared as a result of a project he was working on at the University of North London, when he was trying to teach young children. A positive review was written about him, and he...

, author of Horrible Science
Horrible Science
Horrible Science is a spin-off series of books of Horrible Histories written by Nick Arnold , illustrated by Tony de Saulles and published in the UK and India by Scholastic. They are designed to get children interested in science by concentrating on the trivial, unusual, gory, or unpleasant...

. It takes you on journeys with various animals in a journal-type format.

Here is a list of the books in this series:

  • Bonding with Bears (2004)
  • Diving with Dolphins (2003)
  • Spying on Lions (2003)
  • Swimming with Sharks (2004)
  • Talking to Tigers (2004)
  • Walking with Wolves (2004)

External links

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