Willie Farrell
William "Willie" P. Farrell (28 May 1928 – 8 April 2010) was a Fianna Fáil
Fianna Fáil
Fianna Fáil – The Republican Party , more commonly known as Fianna Fáil is a centrist political party in the Republic of Ireland, founded on 23 March 1926. Fianna Fáil's name is traditionally translated into English as Soldiers of Destiny, although a more accurate rendition would be Warriors of Fál...

 politician from County Sligo in Ireland
Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth...

. He was a senator
Seanad Éireann
Seanad Éireann is the upper house of the Oireachtas , which also comprises the President of Ireland and Dáil Éireann . It is commonly called the Seanad or Senate and its members Senators or Seanadóirí . Unlike Dáil Éireann, it is not directly elected but consists of a mixture of members chosen by...

 from 1982 to 1983, and from 1987 to 2002.

An auctioneer, he was first elected to Sligo County Council
Sligo County Council
Sligo County Council is the local authority which is responsible for County Sligo in Ireland. The Council is responsible for Housing and Community, Roads and Transportation, Urban planning and Development, Amenity and Culture, and Environment....

 in 1967. He was elected in 1982 to the 16th Seanad, on the Industrial and Commercial Panel. He lost his seat at the 1983 Seanad election, but was re-elected in to 1987 to the 18th Seanad and held the seat until he retired at the 2002 Seanad election.

Farrell was criticised in the Seanad and beyond in May 1990. The house was debating the Larceny Bill 1989, and an amendment by Joe Costello
Joe Costello (Irish politician)
Joe Costello is an Irish Labour Party politician. He is currently a Teachta Dála for the Dublin Central constituency and is the Labour Party Spokesperson on Transport....

 proposed to remove the clause in existing legislation which made "the abominable crime of buggery" a criminal offence. Farrell launched an attack on the opposition parties and on gay senator David Norris, in which he said "I am amazed at Senator Norris, an educated, intelligent man like him, is so obsessed with his favourite sexual activity that he put that before the welfare of the people who are being robbed and plundered", and went on to say "We are going, with our amendment to allow perverts of all kinds". Farrell's comments were criticised by senators from all parties, including Tras Honan
Tras Honan
Tras Honan is a former Irish Fianna Fáil politician from Ennis in County Clare who served as a senator for 15 years and was elected to the position of Cathaoirleach on two occasions,...

, a former Cathaoirleach
Cathaoirleach is the title of the chairman of Seanad Éireann, the sixty-member upper house of the Oireachtas, the legislature of Ireland. The current Cathaoirleach is Senator Paddy Burke...

, and Fine Gael
Fine Gael
Fine Gael is a centre-right to centrist political party in the Republic of Ireland. It is the single largest party in Ireland in the Oireachtas, in local government, and in terms of Members of the European Parliament. The party has a membership of over 35,000...

 called his remarks "vicious".

The following day, Farrell made a statement to the Seanad in which he said that his remarks were "completely misconstrued" and that "the record of the House will show I was specifically speaking about blackmail". He added "I am very sorry about the use of the word 'pervert'. I did not mean it in the context … I did not mean it to affect anybody in this House and I was not referring to anybody in this House". The Cathoirleach, Seán Doherty, did not permit any comment or debate on Farell's statement.

He died on 8 April 2010 in Sligo General Hospital.
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