Wonderful Town (film)
Wonderful Town is a 2007 Thai film written and directed by Aditya Assarat.

Set in post-tsunami
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake...

 Phuket Province
Phuket Province
Phuket , formerly known as Thalang and, in Western sources, Junk Ceylon , is one of the southern provinces of Thailand...

, Aditya secured funding from Singha Beer and Rolex
Rolex SA is a Swiss watchmaking manufacturer of high-quality, luxury wristwatches. Rolex watches are popularly regarded as status symbols and BusinessWeek magazine ranks Rolex No.71 on its 2007 annual list of the 100 most valuable global brands...

. Shooting was completed in December 2006. More money was needed for post-production
Post-production is part of filmmaking and the video production process. It occurs in the making of motion pictures, television programs, radio programs, advertising, audio recordings, photography, and digital art...

 work, funds were provided by the Thailand Ministry of Culture's Office of Contemporary Art and Culture. Wonderful Town premiered at the 2007 Pusan International Film Festival
Pusan International Film Festival
Busan International Film Festival , held annually in Haeundae-gu, Busan , South Korea, is one of the most significant film festivals in Asia...

. It won the festival's top prize, the New Currents Award and a US$90,000 prize, which he split evenly with two other filmmakers who also won the award, Malaysian director Liew Seng Tat
Liew Seng Tat
Liew Seng Tat is a Malaysian filmmaker based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.- Early life :Liew Seng Tat was born in an area of Kuala Lumpur called Jinjang. He graduated from the Multimedia University in Cyberjaya, majoring in 3D animation.-Film career:Seng Tat has been actively involved in the...

, who won for his film Flower in the Pocket
Flower in the Pocket
Flower In The Pocket is a 2007 Malaysian film by Liew Seng Tat. It is produced by Da Huang Pictures, and is in the Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay languages.-Plot:...

, and Guang Hao-jin of China, for his film Life Track.

Aditya said he would use his prize money to transfer his digital-format footage to 35-millimeter, and he hoped it would have a limited screening in Bangkok sometime in 2008. Additionally, Wonderful Town competed at the 2008 International Film Festival Rotterdam
International Film Festival Rotterdam
The International Film Festival Rotterdam is an annual film festival held in various cinemas in Rotterdam, Netherlands held at the end of January. It is approximately comparable in size to other major European festivals such as Cannes, Venice, Berlin, and Locarno...

, and was to be shown in the Forum program at the 2008 Berlin International Film Festival
Berlin International Film Festival
The Berlin International Film Festival , also called the Berlinale, is one of the world's leading film festivals and most reputable media events. It is held in Berlin, Germany. Founded in West Berlin in 1951, the festival has been celebrated annually in February since 1978...

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