Wyoming Workforce Development Council
The Wyoming Workforce Development Council (WWDC) was established by Governor’s Executive Order 1998-1 and reconstituted under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. The WWDC is the state and local workforce board under the Workforce Investment Act. In accordance with the Executive Order and the Workforce Investment Act, the WWDC shall:
To help workers achieve self-sufficiency and increase economic opportunity for all Wyoming workers including low-income, under-employed and unemployed.
- Oversee the creation of a strategic plan for the development of Wyoming's workforce which assists individuals to become more economically self-sufficient and improves their and their family's quality of life;
- Build a system of public and private partnerships including participation from business, industry, labor, education, communities and parents which will further the progress of meeting the goals established in the workforce development plan;
- Assess the adequacy of existing workforce development activities and services being provided in the state and make recommendations to the Governor, Legislature, or other governing bodies regarding the need for such services, the effectiveness of such services and changes which could improve the services provided;
- Develop a performance measurement system which will provide for a consistent and fair evaluation regarding the effectiveness of workforce development service delivery, programs and activities;
- Make recommendations with regard to the coordination of workforce development activities and services which eliminate duplication and increase efficiency among providers;
- Carry out the duties and functions prescribed for the Private Industry Council and the Job Training Coordinating Council by the Job Training Partnership Act.
The Council's Vision
The Wyoming Workforce Development Council's vision of Wyoming is a state with a strong economy, where the people of Wyoming are educated, economically self-sufficient, have increasing economic opportunity, and a high quality of life today and in the future.The Council's Mission
The Wyoming Workforce Development Council’s mission is to bring business, labor, and the public sector together to shape strategies to best meet the local workforce and employer needs in order to create and sustain a higher skill, higher wage economy. To fulfill this mission, Council members, with the support of staff, will work together to:- Advise the Governor and the Legislature on workforce development policy.
- Promote a system of workforce development that responds to the lifelong learning needs of the current and future workforce.
- Advocate for the training and education needs of workers and employers.
- Facilitate new and creative solution in workforce development policy and practices.
- Ensure system quality and accountability by evaluating results and supporting high standards and continuous improvement.
- Foster competitive opportunities which allow the sons and daughters of Wyoming to stay in or return to Wyoming.
The Council's Goals & Strategies
To close the gap between the needs of employers for skilled workers and the supply of workers prepared to meet those needs.- Advertise to youth about jobs, apprenticeships and other training available.
- Increase public awareness of job opportunities in Wyoming.
- Educated parents and students on careers and training in the state.
- Train and educate employers on wages and benefits.
To help workers achieve self-sufficiency and increase economic opportunity for all Wyoming workers including low-income, under-employed and unemployed.
- Promote use of self-sufficiency calculator in career guidance, to employers, and state agencies.
- Use state and federal training resources to achieve greater well-being of those at the bottom of the economic ladder (under employed).
- Support money management training in high school.
- Support Children and Families Initiative.
See also
- Wyoming Workforce Development Council Official Website
- Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
- WY Quality CountsWY Quality CountsWY Quality Counts! is one of the several programs administered by the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. It officially started in August 2007. This program is a part of the Business Training and Outreach Division at Workforce Services...