XGGI is a partly accelerated X
X Window System
The X window system is a computer software system and network protocol that provides a basis for graphical user interfaces and rich input device capability for networked computers...

 server which uses the General Graphics Interface
General Graphics Interface
General Graphics Interface is a project that aims to develop a reliable, stable and fast computer graphics system that works everywhere...

 (GGI) and LibGGI to do hardware-independent graphics and input. It supports 8-, 15-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bit modes output to multiple monitors on any LibGGI target that has a pixellinear DirectBuffer, and should run in any resolution
Display resolution
The display resolution of a digital television or display device is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed. It can be an ambiguous term especially as the displayed resolution is controlled by all different factors in cathode ray tube , flat panel or projection...

 the target can support. XGGI has been successfully tested on the KGI, X, fbdev, svga
SVGAlib is an open-source low-level graphics library which runs on Linux and FreeBSD and allows programs to change video mode and display full-screen graphics. Some popular games like Quake and Doom used it in their original releases....

Direct Graphics Access
Direct Graphics Access is a plug-in for the X Window System that allows client programs direct access to the frame-buffer.Graphics hardware communicates via a chunk of memory called a frame-buffer. This is an array of values that represent pixel color values on the screen...

, lcd823, and tile targets.

The ability of XGGI to run on itself via GGI's X11 target makes Xnest
Xnest is an X Window System server that shows its output in a window. In other words, Xnest opens a window that works like another screen in which the user can open windows, etc....


XGGI 1.6.2 was based on XFree86
XFree86 is an implementation of the X Window System. It was originally written for Unix-like operating systems on IBM PC compatibles and is now available for many other operating systems and platforms. It is free and open source software under the XFree86 License version 1.1. It is developed by the...

 3.3.3. It featured a little acceleration but was the first Xserver with true multihead
Multi monitor
Multi-Monitor, also called Multi-Display and Multi-Head, is the use of multiple physical display devices, such as monitors, televisions, and projectors, in order to increase the area available for computer programs running on a single computer system...

 support and it did not require root privileges
On many computer operating systems, the superuser is a special user account used for system administration. Depending on the operating system, the actual name of this account might be: root, administrator or supervisor....


New features in XGGI 2.0.0 over 1.6.2:
  • It is based on Xorg X11R7.0
  • xdpyinfo shows 24 X Window extensions (RENDER, RANDR, MIT-SHM, ...)
  • IPv6
    Internet Protocol version 6 is a version of the Internet Protocol . It is designed to succeed the Internet Protocol version 4...

  • It supports mouse wheels
    Scroll wheel
    A scroll wheel is a hard plastic or rubbery disc on a computer mouse that is perpendicular to the mouse surface. It is normally located between the left and right mouse buttons.- Functionality :...

  • Backing store is 100% accelerated
  • Acceleration
    Hardware acceleration
    In computing, Hardware acceleration is the use of computer hardware to perform some function faster than is possible in software running on the general-purpose CPU...

     of many window
    Window (computing)
    In computing, a window is a visual area containing some kind of user interface. It usually has a rectangular shape that can overlap with the area of other windows...

  • Support for many more and new hw-archs
    Hardware architecture
    In engineering, hardware architecture refers to the identification of a system's physical components and their interrelationships. This description, often called a hardware design model, allows hardware designers to understand how their components fit into a system architecture and provides...

     & operating systems

External links

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