Xenisthmus is the most well-known genus in the family Xenisthmidae
Collared Wrigglers are perciform fishes in the family Xenisthmidae. They are native to the Indian and Pacific oceans, where they are mostly reef-dwelling...


It contains the following species:
  • Xenisthmus africanus
    Xenisthmus africanus
    Xenisthmus africanus, also known as the flathead wriggler or African wriggler, is a species of fish in the Xenisthmidae family. It is found in the Indian Ocean, ranging from the coast of east Africa and to the islands in the western Indian Ocean. It has a flatter head than most other wrigglers....

    Smith, 1958 (the flathead wriggler or African wriggler)
  • Xenisthmus balius
    Xenisthmus balius
    Xenisthmus balius is a species of fish in the Xenisthmidae family. It is found in the Persian Gulf....

    Gill & Randall, 1994
  • Xenisthmus chi
    Xenisthmus chi
    Xenisthmus chi is a species of fish in the wriggler family, Xenisthmidae. Japan wrigglers are tiny and clear. Before Paedocypris progenetica and the dwarf goby were discovered, the Japan wriggler was the smallest known fish....

    Gill & Hoese, 2004
  • Xenisthmus clarus
    Xenisthmus clarus
    Xenisthmus clarus is a species of fish in the Xenisthmidae family. It is found in the Western Pacific and the southern Pacific. It has also been reported from the waters around Samoa and American Samoa....

    (Jordan & Seale, 1906)
  • Xenisthmus eirospilus Gill & Hoese, 2004
  • Xenisthmus polyzonatus
    Xenisthmus polyzonatus
    Xenisthmus polyzonatus is a species of fish in the Xenisthmidae family. It is found in the Indo-Pacific, from the Red Sea to Samoa, north to the Ryukyu Islands....

    (Klunzinger, 1871) (the bull's-eye wriggler or polyzonate wriggler) is peach-coloured with a bull's-eye-like spot on its tail.
  • Xenisthmus semicinctus Gill & Hoese, 2004
  • Xenisthmus smithi (Menon & Talwar, 1973) (often listed as Kraemericus smithi)
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