Xerula megalospora
Xerula megalospora is a species of gilled mushrooms
The fungal order Agaricales, also known as gilled mushrooms , or euagarics, contains some of the most familiar types of mushrooms. The order has 33 extant families, 413 genera, and over 13000 described species, along with five extinct genera known only from the fossil record...


Xerula megalospora occur on the ground, solitary or in small groups. They are saprobic and found near the well-decayed stumps of oak or other broad leaf trees. This species can grow up to 13 cm high. The caps, 2-10 cm across, can be a convex or umbonate shape eventually becoming flat and centrally depressed. The cap is viscid and colored smokey white to pale buff. Gills are adnate, white, and smooth. The flesh of Xerula megalospora is white, and the odor is sometimes described as being reminiscent of carrots. The stipe contains a root-like extention 8-12 cm long. The spore print is white. The spores of this species are a distinguishing feature being a large 18-23 x 11-14 microns. The name "megalospora" means large-spored. The spore shape is citriniform (i.e., lemon shaped), the surface is finely roughened, and spores are non-amyloid. This species is widespread and fairly common in urban areas.
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