Yashira Jordán
Yashira Jordán is a Bolivia
Bolivia officially known as Plurinational State of Bolivia , is a landlocked country in central South America. It is the poorest country in South America...

n director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

, scriptwriter
Screenwriters or scriptwriters or scenario writers are people who write/create the short or feature-length screenplays from which mass media such as films, television programs, Comics or video games are based.-Profession:...

 and film editor.


Jordán completed her primary and secondary education in Cochabamba, Bolivia. By the time she was eighteen, before leaving Cochabamba, she had already made built up a filmography consisting of a few shorts that participated in National festivals (Festival Iberoamericano in Santa Cruz, Festival of the ‘Alianza Francesa’, and exhibited as a Bolivian director in ‘Women in Cinema’).


In 2004 Jordán spent time in New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...

, Washington DC and Mexico City
Mexico City
Mexico City is the Federal District , capital of Mexico and seat of the federal powers of the Mexican Union. It is a federal entity within Mexico which is not part of any one of the 31 Mexican states but belongs to the federation as a whole...

, training in various workshops and courses under the direction of American and Mexican filmmakers. In addition she made some experimental videos and shorts (35mm film format) that participated in international festivals, such as the Washington DC ‘48 hour Film Festival’.
In 2005 she began her degree in audiovisual communication at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
The National University of La Plata is one of the most important Argentine national universities and the biggest one situated in the city of La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires Province...

, Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

. In 2007 she was chosen to participate in ‘Talent Campus’, organised by the ‘Universidad del Cine’, exhibiting her work to mark the 9th BAFICI (‘Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival’) In addition, in February 2008 her work was selected from amongst more than 3000 worldwide participants for the Berlin International Film Festival
Berlin International Film Festival
The Berlin International Film Festival , also called the Berlinale, is one of the world's leading film festivals and most reputable media events. It is held in Berlin, Germany. Founded in West Berlin in 1951, the festival has been celebrated annually in February since 1978...

, in the ‘Talent Campus’ category. She attended talks, meetings and workshops with cineastes and cinematographers like Mike Leigh
Mike Leigh
Michael "Mike" Leigh, OBE is a British writer and director of film and theatre. He studied theatre at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and studied further at the Camberwell School of Art and the Central School of Art and Design. He began as a theatre director and playwright in the mid 1960s...

, Lucrecia Martel
Lucrecia Martel
Lucrecia Martel is a film director, screenplay writer, and producer.According to film critic Joel Poblete, who writes for Mabuse, a cinema magazine, Lucrecia Martel is one of the members of the so-called "New Argentina Cinema" which began c...

, Wim Wenders
Wim Wenders
Ernst Wilhelm "Wim" Wenders is a German film director, playwright, author, photographer and producer.-Early life:Wenders was born in Düsseldorf. He graduated from high school in Oberhausen in the Ruhr area. He then studied medicine and philosophy in Freiburg and Düsseldorf...

, Alejandro Jodorowsky
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Alejandro Jodorowsky Prullansky, known as Alejandro Jodorowsky, is a Chilean filmmaker, playwright, actor, author, comic book writer and spiritual guru...

, Lisandro Alonso, Felix Monti
Félix Monti
Félix Monti is an award-winning Argentine film cinematographer.Two of his films have been critically well received: The Official Story and The Holy Girl .-Filmography :* La Historia oficial aka The Official Story...

, Alex McDowell
Alex McDowell
Alex McDowell, RDI is British production designer and film producer.McDowell was born in Borneo to parents of English origin. He wanted to become a painter and studied at the Central School of Art in London. He founded Rocking Russian Design in 1978 and started his career designing album covers...

 and Andrej Wajda. at the Berlinale Talent Campus.


Short Films
  • “Khaos” (2007)

International Berlinale Film Festival 2008

Buenos Aires International Film Festival 2007
  • “Scissors” (2007)

Chosen as Best Short by the UNLP for the KODAK Film School Festival as part of the Cannes festival 2008.
  • “Doc 4” (2004) Official selection for Women Film Directors in Bolivia, Cochabamba 2007.

  • “The grey train” (2003)

Selected for the Iberoamerican festival in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 2003.

Feature Length Filmography
  • “About Jules & Cecile” (2006)
  • Las herederas
    Las herederas
    Inheritance is an Argentine and Bolivian film written and directed by Yashira Jordán and Nadia Lozano. The film is executive produced by Paula Asprella from Panorama Coop Ltda and Fernanda Peñarrieta from LONDRA FILMS P&D...

     (2012) in pre-production
  • Durazno
    Durazno is the capital of Durazno in Uruguay. It is located at the intersection of Routes 5 and 41, in the south of the department, close to the borders with the departments of Flores to the southwest and Florida| to the southeast. It is only northeast of the city of Trinidad, capital of Flores...

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