Yoko Suzuki

Early life and education

Born in Tokyo, she began her piano training at the age of three and at age five she began accompanying the organ, the piano, and the church choir where her father is a minister. At the age of 18 she enrolled in the University of Music Musashino in Tokyo and was awarded a piano diploma.


In 2001, she decided to move to Barcelona and enrolled at the Marshall Academy, previously known as the Enrique Granados Academy, named after its prestigious founder. There she broadened the Spanish and classic repertoires studying with the great pianist and teacher Alicia de Larrocha. In addition, there she became acquainted with the works of the composer and pianist Federico Mompou, being managed by his widow, the pianist Carmen Bravo.

In 2004, she was awarded a Masters in Spanish Music from the Marshall Academy and one year later she was awarded the second prize in "Concours musical de France du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication."

She has performed as soloist with the Orquestra de la Societat de Concerts de Barcelona and with the Barcelona Strauss Orchestra.

She has given prestigious concerts in various venues in Spain and Japan; among them the Palau de la Música Catalana , Casa Milá ( La Pedrera ) in Barcelona and in the auditoriums of Zaragoza, Torrent of Valencia, Camprodón, Menorca, Mollerusa, Cádiz, Salamanca, Tokio, Kanagawa.

In 2000, she recorded the album "Fantasíae Peregrinabundae" with music by Sakae Tauchi the contemporary Japanese composer,and in 2007 she recorded the new album "Spanish piano" by Columna Música

In 2002, she gave a performance of Xavier Montsalvatge for Spanish National Radio in a tribute to the composer.She also performed for the same radio station on the European day of music in 2004 and 2005. Her concerts have been broadcast by Catalonia 's “TV3” and “Isla TV” from Cádiz.

She currently lives in Barcelona.

External links

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