Yokoyama Marumitsu
was a Japanese late Edo period
Edo period
The , or , is a division of Japanese history which was ruled by the shoguns of the Tokugawa family, running from 1603 to 1868. The political entity of this period was the Tokugawa shogunate....

 samurai and founder of the Tōkyūjutsu
or Tōdō is a Japanese divination method, created by Yokoyama Marumitsu in the 1830s . It was developed from tengenjutsu, a system with origins in China and was well established at the time. Tōkyūjutsu teaches that ones personality and character can be determined by factors such as the date of...

Divination is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic standardized process or ritual...

 and self-improvement method. He lived in Edo
, also romanized as Yedo or Yeddo, is the former name of the Japanese capital Tokyo, and was the seat of power for the Tokugawa shogunate which ruled Japan from 1603 to 1868...

(now Tokyo). His real name was Yokoyama Okitaka , and he was also known as Sannosuke , Shunkisai , Kiosanjin , , , and other pen names.
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