Yueh-Ting Lee

Yueh-Ting Lee

Dr. Yueh-Ting Lee received his Ph.D. from State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is an immigrant from China and he is a Social and Cross-Cultural Psychologist
Psychologist is a professional or academic title used by individuals who are either:* Clinical professionals who work with patients in a variety of therapeutic contexts .* Scientists conducting psychological research or teaching psychology in a college...

 who has taught a variety of courses at various institutions for over 20 years. Currently he is a full professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toledo
University of Toledo
The University of Toledo is a public university in Toledo, Ohio, United States. The Carnegie Foundation classified the university as "Doctoral/Research Extensive."-National recognition:...

, Ohio.

Dr. Lee has produced eight scholarly books and approximately 80 refereed journal articles and peer-reviewed book chapters. His work is funded by various federal and state agencies. As a social scientist and cross-cultural/ethnic scholar, he has taught courses in psychology and cultural and ethnic studies for years at various colleges and universities in the United States of America. In addition to teaching, research, and administrative services, Dr. Lee has performed consulting and training services for multinational corporations and public agencies both in the USA and in China. These services include such areas as cultural competency, differences appreciation, and conflict management.


Dr. Lee’s research has centered on categorical knowledge, cultural stereotypes, stereotype accuracy, and personality psychology for the past twenty years. His research has dealt with the accuracy and validity in human categorical perceptions and judgments, including cultural stereotypes and stereotyping.

Dr. Lee's work has addressed various ethnic and cultural identity conflicts and justice for years, both in the USA and around the world with a focus on victimized or disadvantaged groups.

He has conducted field research on American Indian
Indigenous peoples of the Americas
The indigenous peoples of the Americas are the pre-Columbian inhabitants of North and South America, their descendants and other ethnic groups who are identified with those peoples. Indigenous peoples are known in Canada as Aboriginal peoples, and in the United States as Native Americans...

 beliefs and ancient East Asian beliefs (e.g., totemic psychology, shamanic psychology) for over 10 years both by working with Ojibwa, Dakota, Lakotas, Nakota, Hidatsa, Arikara, Mandan and other tribes in Americas and by working with various ethnic groups in China and other parts of Asia.

EPA Model (Evaluation, Potency, Accuracy)

Dr. Lee and his colleagues have developed an EPA model with three dimensions of stereotypes and categorical knowledge. "E" represents evaluation or valence (e.g., stereotypes and human categories can range from positive to negative). "P" represents potency or latency of activation from the memory of human knowledge (e.g., stereotypes or human categories can range from automatic activation to little or no activation). Finally, "A" represents accuracy (e.g., stereotypes and human categories can range from accurate to inaccurate). According to the model, Evaluation (positive-negative), potential (active-inactive), and accuracy (accurate-inaccurate) are not dichotomous but continuous variables. Further when reality changes, human perceptions and stereotypes may also change.

Dr. Lee's research concerning stereotype accuracy looks at the importance of studying stereotype accuracy and inaccuracy. His research is aimed towards those interested in understanding the issues of culture, race, class, and gender.

Taoist (or Daoist) Big Five and Water-like (W-L) Leadership/Personality

Dr. Lee’s Daoist (Taoist
Taoism refers to a philosophical or religious tradition in which the basic concept is to establish harmony with the Tao , which is the mechanism of everything that exists...

) Big-Five model has been studied both in China and in the USA, and can be applied to social, counseling/clinical, and industrial/organizational psychology. It is based on the philosophy of Laozi
Laozi was a mystic philosopher of ancient China, best known as the author of the Tao Te Ching . His association with the Tao Te Ching has led him to be traditionally considered the founder of Taoism...

(or Lao Tsu) and uses water to represent five distinct areas that affect leadership and personality (e.g., altruism, modesty, flexibility, honesty, and perseverance). According to Dr. Lee, “the best is like water” (上善若水), which is one of the Taoistic (or Daoistic) quotations from Lao Tsu in ancient China. For example, water can be altruistic and serve all things in its quality. The lesson is that human beings could learn from water to be altruistic and serve others without the need of reward.

Altruism does not require self-sacrifice but sacrifice, such as time or energy, is shown to be of greater significance. Second, water can be said to be modest since naturally water always goes to the lowest position. Instead of competing for a high position, water is yielding moving to a position below others. Again, one can learn from water to be humble and modest. Third, water can be described as adaptable and flexible as it matches the shape of any container. Water can not be broken and is able to adjust to pressure and work around it. The lesson, according to Lee, is to be flexible and adaptable to different people in different situations. Fourth, water can be very clear and transparent. Being clear shows others that you are trustworthy, as you have nothing to hide. Gentle and persistent force will complete the task overtime, rather than forcing a task and creating more problems. In other words, human beings should be honest and transparent with others. Finally, water can be very soft and gentle (making it difficult to catch) but also strong and persistent (even the hardest rock will yield to continuous drips of water).

Dr. Lee suggests that it is good to be soft, gentle, and friendly with others but also be persistent with them. Perhaps water is our best teacher, not only for a leader but also for any individual.

Selected publications

Back in the real world

Leadership & management in China: Philosophies, theories and practices

Daoist leadership: Theory and application

How did Asian Americans Respond to Negative Stereotypes and Hate Crimes?

The Psychology of Ethnic and Cultural Conflict

Personality and person perception across cultures

Are Americans more optimistic than the Chinese?

External links

  • http://psychology.utoledo.edu/showpage.asp?name=lee
  • http://psychology.utoledo.edu/showpage.asp?name=SCIR
  • http://eeestst.utad.utoledo.edu/ACFS/membership/PDF/YuehTing_Lee.pdf
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