Yukari Kokubun
is a Japanese voice actress.
(lead roles are in bold)- Humanoid Monster Bem (TV 2) as Child (ep 5); Girl (ep 9)
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn!Reborn!Reborn!, known in Japan as , is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Akira Amano. The plot revolves around the life of a young boy named Tsunayoshi Sawada, who finds out that he is next in line to become the boss of the most powerful Mafia organization called Vongola, the Vongola Family...
(TV) as Tsunayoshi SawadaTsuna Sawada, commonly nicknamed , is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Reborn! created by Akira Amano. In the story, Tsuna is one of the long lines of descendants from the Vongola family, a mafia that exists in Italy. He is the one who is to be the next leader of the Vongola, the tenth... - Mamotte! LollipopMamotte! Lollipopis a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by . It was serialized in the magazine Nakayoshi and published by Kodansha in Japan between February 2003 and July 2005....
(TV) as Gou - Mushi-Shi (TV) as Biki (ep 2)
- Onegai My MelodyOnegai My Melodyis an Japanese anime series based on the Sanrio character, My Melody. Produced by Studio Comet, it ran 3 April 2005 to 26 March 2006 on Animax, TV Osaka and TV Tokyo, spanning 52 episodes. A sequel, Onegai My Melody ~Kuru Kuru Shuffle!~, ran 2 April 2006 to 23 March 2007. With its next sequel,...
(TV) as Naomi Iijima (ep 24,25,29) - Onegai My Melody ~Kuru Kuru Shuffle!~ (TV) as Naomi Iijima (ep 6,11)
- Peach Girl (TV) as female student (ep 1); Nami (ep 7, 10, 12, 13, 15-17, 20-25); Sumire (eps 5,
- Rebocon 2008 as Tsunayoshi SawadaTsuna Sawada, commonly nicknamed , is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Reborn! created by Akira Amano. In the story, Tsuna is one of the long lines of descendants from the Vongola family, a mafia that exists in Italy. He is the one who is to be the next leader of the Vongola, the tenth...
- Rebocon 2009 as Tsunayoshi SawadaTsuna Sawada, commonly nicknamed , is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Reborn! created by Akira Amano. In the story, Tsuna is one of the long lines of descendants from the Vongola family, a mafia that exists in Italy. He is the one who is to be the next leader of the Vongola, the tenth...
- Rebocon 2010 as Tsunayoshi SawadaTsuna Sawada, commonly nicknamed , is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Reborn! created by Akira Amano. In the story, Tsuna is one of the long lines of descendants from the Vongola family, a mafia that exists in Italy. He is the one who is to be the next leader of the Vongola, the tenth...
- Rebocon RED & BLUE as Tsunayoshi SawadaTsuna Sawada, commonly nicknamed , is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Reborn! created by Akira Amano. In the story, Tsuna is one of the long lines of descendants from the Vongola family, a mafia that exists in Italy. He is the one who is to be the next leader of the Vongola, the tenth...