Yusuke Oeda
is a 9-dan professional Go
Go (board game)
Go , is an ancient board game for two players that originated in China more than 2,000 years ago...

 player, affiliated with the Nihon Ki-in
Nihon Ki-in
The Nihon Ki-in , also known as the Japan Go Association, is the main organizational body for Go in Japan, overseeing Japan's professional system and issuing diplomas for amateur dan rankings. It is based in Tokyo. The other major Go association in Japan is Kansai Ki-in.Nihon Ki-in was established...

, who lives in Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

. He was a student of Nobuaki Maeda
Nobuaki Maeda
Maeda Nobuaki 9 dan was a Japanese professional go player, a disciple of Honinbo Shusai, and a member of the Nihon Ki-in, the main organizational body for go in Japan...


Promotion record

This is a list of pupils who have been taught by Yusuke Oeda in the game of Go
Go (board game)
Go , is an ancient board game for two players that originated in China more than 2,000 years ago...

  • Ryu Shikun
    Ryu Shikun
    Ryu Shikun in Seoul, South Korea, is a professional Go player.- Biography :Ryu Shikun is a Go player who grew up in Seoul. He did not move to Japan until he was 15, and just 2 years later he turned professional. He was promoted to 9 dan in 2003.- Titles & runners-up :-External Links:**...

     (from 1986)
  • Kana Mannami
    Kana Mannami
    -Titles & runners-up :-External links:**...

  • Yasuda Yasutoshi (from 1977)
  • Morito Oubuchi (from 1983)
  • Yo Kagen (from 1982)
  • Michael Redmond
    Michael Redmond
    Michael Redmond is an American-born professional Go player. He is one of only a few such players, as Go is not as widespread or developed in the West as in China, South Korea, or Japan...

     (from 1977)
  • Yasuhiko Onda (from 1982)
  • Yo Kaei (from 1984)
  • Hideichiro Iguchi (from 1977)
  • Yoshifumi Endo
  • Han Zenki
    Han Zenki
    Han Zenki is a professional Go player.- Biography :Han was born in Taiwan in 1977. He became a professional Go player in 1996. In the same year, he was promoted to 2-dan. In 2000, he was promoted to 5-dan. He is currently at the 7-dan rank.-External Links:**...

  • Ryutaro Miyazaki
  • Shimako Miyazaki
  • Masanori Kurotaki
  • Masaki Kurotaki
  • Gensho Shimoji

External links

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