Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine
The Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine is a mining industry enterprise in Armenia
Armenia , officially the Republic of Armenia , is a landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia...



The first geological investigations with Kajaran
Qajaran is a city in the south of Armenia in the province of Syunik. The name translates from Armenian as "the place of the brave". It is located 356 km away from Yerevan, 25 km away from Kapan, the regional center, and 50 km from the border of Armenia and Iran. Qajaran forms an...

 in the province Syunik
Syunik is the southernmost province of Armenia. It borders the Vayots Dzor marz to the north, Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan exclave to the west, Karabakh to the east, and Iran to the south. Its capital is Kapan. Other important cities and towns include Goris, Sisian, Meghri, Agarak, and Dastakert...

 took place in 1935. The building of Kajaran
Qajaran is a city in the south of Armenia in the province of Syunik. The name translates from Armenian as "the place of the brave". It is located 356 km away from Yerevan, 25 km away from Kapan, the regional center, and 50 km from the border of Armenia and Iran. Qajaran forms an...

 copper and molybdenum mine began in 1940, but was interrupted because of the World War II until 1944. The mine first started production in 1951, and has continued production to the present day.

After the independence of Armenia from the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....

 in the year 1991 the deep economic crisis seized also the Zangezur
Zangezur may refer to:* Syunik, alternative name of an Armenian geographic-historic region, nowadays one of the provinces of Armenia* Kapan, former name of a city in Armenia...

copper and molybdenum collective combined. It stood still until 1994.

In 2004 the combine was privatized and currently the owners are: the CRONIMET Mining GmbH (60% of shares), “The Plant of Pure Iron” OJSC (15% of shares), Armenian Molybdenum Production Ltd. (12.5%) and Zangezur Mining Ltd (12.5%).
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