Zapotillo Canton
Zapotillo Canton is a canton
Cantons of Ecuador
The Cantons of Ecuador are the second-level subdivisions of Ecuador, below the provinces. There are 226 cantons in the country, of which three are not in any province. The cantons are further sub-divided into parishes, which are classified as either urban or rural...

 of Ecuador
Ecuador , officially the Republic of Ecuador is a representative democratic republic in South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and by the Pacific Ocean to the west. It is one of only two countries in South America, along with Chile, that do not have a border...

, located in the Loja Province
Loja Province
Loja Province is one of 24 provinces in Ecuador and shares its southern border on the west by El Oro Province, on the north by El Azuay, and on the east by Zamora-Chinchipe. Founded on its present site in 1548 by Captain Alonso de Mercadillo the site had been previously moved and rebuilt from La...

. Its capital is the town of Zapotillo. Its population at the 2001 census was 10,940.


Header Cantonal: Zapotillo

Elevation: 325 m.s.n.m

Average temperature: 26 º C

Area: 1238 Km2

Climate: Subtropical dry

Location: Southeast of the province of Loja


North and South: Republic of Peru

East Puyango Canton, Pinal, and Macara Celica

West. Republic of Peru
Political Division:

1 urban parish, 5 rural parishes and 69 barrios
urban parish: Zapotillo

rural parishes: Mangahurco, Garzarreal, Lemons, Paletillas, and Bolaspamba

  • Cantonization August 27
  • Religious celebration January 20
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