Zeidane Ould Hmeida
Zeidane Ould Hmeida is a former politician in Mauritania
Mauritania is a country in the Maghreb and West Africa. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, by Western Sahara in the north, by Algeria in the northeast, by Mali in the east and southeast, and by Senegal in the southwest...

. During the presidency of Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya
Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya
Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya , was Prime Minister of Mauritania from 1981 to 1984 and president from 1984 to 2005. He guided Mauritania from military rule to democracy, and took a pro-Western stance in foreign affairs...

, Hmeida was appointed as Minister of Industry and Mines on November 4, 2001, with his responsibilities including oil; he was then appointed as Minister of Oil and Energy, a new portfolio, by Taya on March 29, 2005. Hmeida lost his position in August 2005, when Taya was overthrown.
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