Zinsmeister Ridge
Zinsmeister Ridge is the high, rugged mountain ridge, 9 mi long, running northeast from Schoening Peak, Vinson Massif
Vinson Massif
Vinson Massif is the highest mountain of Antarctica, lying in the Sentinel Range of the Ellsworth Mountains, which stand above the Ronne Ice Shelf near the base of the Antarctic Peninsula. The massif is located about from the South Pole and is about long and wide. At the highest point is Mount...

 in the Sentinel Range
Sentinel Range
The Sentinel Range is a major mountain range situated northward of Minnesota Glacier and forming the northern half of the Ellsworth Mountains in Antarctica. The range trends NNW-SSE for about and is 24 to 48 km wide...

, Antarctica. Jagged 2000 to 3000 m peaks including Vanand
Vanand Peak
Vanand Peak is the sharp peak rising to 3100 m in Zinsmeister Ridge on the northeast side of Vinson Massif in Sentinel Range, Ellsworth Mountains in Antarctica, and surmounting Dater Glacier to the east and its tributary Hinkley Glacier to the northwest....

 and Toros Peak
Toros Peak
Toros Peak is the rocky twin summit peak rising to 3000 m in Zinsmeister Ridge on the northeast side of Vinson Massif in Sentinel Range, Ellsworth Mountains in Antarctica, and surmounting Dater Glacier to the east and its tributary Hinkley Glacier to the northwest.The peak is named after the...

s surmount the ridge, which separates Hinkley Glacier from the upper part of Dater Glacier
Dater Glacier
The Dater Glacier is a steep valley glacier in Antarctica, long and from 1.6 km to 4.8 km wide, flowing NE in a sinuous course from the eastern slopes of Vinson Massif to Rutford Ice Stream which borders the eastern flank of the Sentinel Range, Ellsworth Mountains...


The ridge is named by US-ACAN (2006) after William J. Zinsmeister, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University
Purdue University
Purdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S., is the flagship university of the six-campus Purdue University system. Purdue was founded on May 6, 1869, as a land-grant university when the Indiana General Assembly, taking advantage of the Morrill Act, accepted a donation of land and...

United States Antarctic Program
United States Antarctic Program is an organization of the United States government which has presence in the continent of Antarctica. It co-ordinates research and the operational support for research in the region...

 researcher of the paleontology
Paleontology "old, ancient", ὄν, ὀντ- "being, creature", and λόγος "speech, thought") is the study of prehistoric life. It includes the study of fossils to determine organisms' evolution and interactions with each other and their environments...

The Mollusca , common name molluscs or mollusksSpelled mollusks in the USA, see reasons given in Rosenberg's ; for the spelling mollusc see the reasons given by , is a large phylum of invertebrate animals. There are around 85,000 recognized extant species of molluscs. Mollusca is the largest...

n fauna
Fauna or faunæ is all of the animal life of any particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora.Zoologists and paleontologists use fauna to refer to a typical collection of animals found in a specific time or place, e.g. the "Sonoran Desert fauna" or the "Burgess shale fauna"...

) of Seymour Island
Seymour Island
Seymour Island is an island in the chain of 16 major islands around the tip of the Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula. Graham Land is closer to continental land mass than any other part of that Antarctica. It lies within the section of the island chain that resides off the west side of the...

, 1975-95.


  • Vinson Massif. Scale 1:250 000 topographic map. Reston, Virginia: US Geological Survey, 1988.
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