Zoe Reynolds
Zoe Reynolds is a fictional case officer in the counterterrorism department of MI5
The Security Service, commonly known as MI5 , is the United Kingdom's internal counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of its core intelligence machinery alongside the Secret Intelligence Service focused on foreign threats, Government Communications Headquarters and the Defence...

, featured in the British television series, Spooks
Spooks is a British television drama series that originally aired on BBC One from 13 May 2002 – 23 October 2011, consisting of 10 series. The title is a popular colloquialism for spies, as the series follows the work of a group of MI5 officers based at the service's Thames House headquarters, in a...

, also known as MI5 in the United States. The character was played by Keeley Hawes
Keeley Hawes
Keeley Hawes is an English actress and model, known for many television roles. She is best known for her roles as Zoe Reynolds in Spooks and Alex Drake in Ashes to Ashes and Lady Agnes in the remake of Upstairs, Downstairs...

. Prior to starting her job, Zoe had studied for her degree at Oxford University; this is revealed to Danny Hunter
Danny Hunter
Danny Hunter is a fictional character appearing in the first three seasons of the BBC television series Spooks, known as MI5 in the United States. The character, played by British actor David Oyelowo, is a Junior Case Officer in Section D, the counter-terrorism department of MI5...

 when she is preparing to go undercover in the third episode of series two. One of her main talents was in linguistics, and she is shown translating Serbian dialogue in the first episode of series two.

Zoe was a junior case officer in Section D, which she joined shortly before September 1997, and was part of the original leading trio (along with Tom Quinn and Danny Hunter
Danny Hunter
Danny Hunter is a fictional character appearing in the first three seasons of the BBC television series Spooks, known as MI5 in the United States. The character, played by British actor David Oyelowo, is a Junior Case Officer in Section D, the counter-terrorism department of MI5...

). At the end of the second episode of the show, she moved in with Danny and the two young spooks formed a very strong bond. She also formed strong relationships with Harry Pearce
Harry Pearce
Sir Henry James "Harry" Pearce KBE is the fictional head of the Counter-Terrorism department of MI5, featured in the British television series, Spooks...

 (her boss and someone whom she respected a lot), and Ruth Evershed
Ruth Evershed
Ruth Evershed was a fictional Senior Intelligence Analyst seconded from GCHQ to MI5, featured in the British Television Series Spooks, also known as MI-5 in the United States. Ruth was played by Nicola Walker from the time the character joined the show in 2003, until Walker left to have a baby in...

. Zoe was brilliant at her job and had excellent instincts and charm, which made her particularly suited to undercover work. One of her undercover roles led to her dismissal from the service.

Throughout her career as a spook her confidence and morale took a big beating. She was distraught to find out that Tessa Phillips
Tessa Phillips
Tessa Phillips is a character in the television drama series Spooks. She was played by actress Jenny AgutterTessa joined MI5 in the early 1980s and eventually headed her own counter-terrorism unit, known as Section K...

 was corrupt, as she had admired Tessa greatly. This was made even worse by the fact that Zoe was very much involved in her downfall. She went through a similar hard time when Tom was alleged to have been a rogue officer. Her confidence took a bigger beating when she and the rest of the team managed to clear his name, only for him to be decommissioned in the next episode.

In series 3, Zoe got engaged to a photographer named Will, which led to tensions between her and Danny. In episode 6 of this series, Zoe was seen in court, charged with conspiracy to murder. When she was found guilty, Zoe was sentenced to 10 years in prison and was forced to abscond to Chile
Chile ,officially the Republic of Chile , is a country in South America occupying a long, narrow coastal strip between the Andes mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage in the far...

, without Will, to avoid being jailed. This led to a very emotional goodbye between her and Danny. Later on, Danny, seeing how Will was suffering, revealed Zoe's fate, and Will left to rejoin her in Chile. The two later sent Danny a postcard, with a picture hidden inside it of them together.

In the book Spooks: The Personnel Files, Zoe, accepting the fact she will never see Danny again, set up a PO box for him to write back, and finally expressed her feelings for him. In the meantime, Zoe continues her life with Will, and at the time of writing the message, is pregnant with the child Zoe has always wanted. Zoe uses a tourist she befriended abroad to sneak the message back to Britain hidden inside a utility bill.

Sadly, the postcard arrived ten days after Danny was shot dead, so he never knew the depth of Zoe's affections. The postcard was instead re-routed to Danny's mother, and was subsequently intercepted by Special Branch and referred to MI5.

The postcard, with certain details redacted, was added to Zoe's closed file, as her identity and whereabouts must still be protected. Harry notes the fact Danny that never knew the depth of Zoe's affections as a sad reminder of the price MI5 officers are required to suffer. The book Spooks: Harry's Diary confirms its existence, and both sources are considered canon to the storyline.
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