Équipe démocratique de Saint-Léonard
The Équipe démocratique de Saint-Léonard (EDSL) was a short-lived municipal political party in the suburban community of Saint-Leonard in Montreal
Montreal is a city in Canada. It is the largest city in the province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the seventh largest in North America...

, Quebec
Quebec or is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level....

, Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...


The EDSL was formed in October 1986 to support André Bastien's mayoral bid. It also fielded a full slate of candidates for council, the most prominent of whom were incumbent councillor André Chrétien and former councillor Jules Lauzon. Both Chrétien and Lauzon, along with other leading figures in EDSL, had previously been members of the Parti de l'alliance municipale
Parti de l'alliance municipale (Saint-Leonard)
The Parti de l'alliance municipale , also known as the Alliance municipale de Saint-Léonard, was a municipal political party in the suburban community of Saint-Leonard in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in the 1970s and 1980s...


The EDSL promised to reduce property taxes, lower fees for recreation facilities, and prohibit construction in municipal parks to protect green space. Bastien finished third against incumbent mayor Raymond Renaud
Raymond Renaud
Raymond Renaud was a politician in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He was mayor of the suburban community of Saint-Leonard from 1984 to 1990, leading the municipal Ralliement de Saint-Léonard party.-Councillor:...

 of the Ralliement de Saint-Léonard
Ralliement de Saint-Léonard
The Ralliement de Saint-Léonard is a former political party in Saint-Leonard, Quebec, Canada. The RdSL existed prior to Saint-Leonard's amalgamation into Montreal and dominated the city's political life in the mid-1980s.-Rise to political dominance:...

, while Chrétien was re-elected in Saint-Leonard's ninth ward, and Lauzon nearly missed winning election in the tenth ward. No other EDSL candidates came close to being elected.

The EDSL seems to have become inactive after the 1986 election. Chrétien served for a time as an independent councillor and later joined Frank Zampino
Frank Zampino
Frank Zampino is a Montreal politician and a chartered accountant. He served as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the City of Montreal and the city's second-ranking official...

's Parti municipal
Parti Municipal (Saint-Léonard)
The Parti Municipal was a political party that existed from 1990 to 2001 in the suburban community of Saint-Leonard in Montreal, Quebec, Canada...

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