Škoda 19 T
The Škoda 19 T is a five carbody section low-floor bi-directional tram
A tram is a passenger rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets and also sometimes on separate rights of way. It may also run between cities and/or towns , and/or partially grade separated even in the cities...

, developed by Škoda
Škoda Works
Škoda Works was the largest industrial enterprise in Austro-Hungary and later in Czechoslovakia, one of its successor states. It was also one of the largest industrial conglomerates in Europe in the 20th century...

 for Wrocław.

The tram is not going to be different from currently used Škoda 16 T
Škoda 16 T
The Škoda 16 T is a five carbody section low-floor uni-directional tram, developed by Škoda for Wrocław.The vehicle was designed by Porsche Design Group. The 16 T has six axles, and the low-floor area represents 65 % of the entire vehicle floor. It is based on the Škoda 05 T.- Production :As of...

 trams, except for the fact that it will have two driver's cabins and doors on both sides of the tram. It will also feature more CCTV, place for bicycles and baggage in the centre section, and the seats in the end sections will be located in the driving direction, not sideways as the predecessor's. This modification is because the tram will serve on new Tramwaj Plus line, which will support bi-directional trams only. The vehicle is designed by Porsche Design Group
Porsche Design Group
Porsche Design Group , based in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, was founded in November 2003 by as a majority-owned subsidiary of Porsche AG to combine Porsche AG's and Porsche Design Group’s accessories and licensing business into one single company.Originally, there were five independently...

. The low-floor area represents 65% of the entire vehicle floor.


As of 2010, there are going to be 31 trams produced and delivered Wrocław.

The first vehicle was delivered in December 2010 and all of them will be in Wrocław by the end of 2011.

Tramwaj Plus

The Tramwaj Plus is a special tram line project which includes the use of Škoda 19 T. The vehicles moving along the designated tracks of the line will always have the green light on intersections. By the end of 2011 the line is supposed to reach the Euro 2012 Stadium in Wrocław. Currently only the part on the Ul. Bardzka leading towards Gaj is completed.

There will be stewardesses in the tram during the championship, who will be helping the tourists and fans. There is an i seat designated for a stewardess in each tram.

External links

News on Škoda webpages Pictures of first manufactured 19T in a Polish online newspaper
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