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  Subject Replies Date
DGSA Company Recommendation 0 2/6/2018
Dear all, now i'm in job at Angkasa Pura Logistics Surabaya Indonesia as Regulated Agent. for now i would ask about chainsaw, is it forbidden to carr... 0 12/10/2017
Who can answer this or lead me in the right direction for the answer, On the top of the of pressure vessels (Road Tankers) for Dangerous Goods there a... 0 1/17/2016
Is synthetic turbine engine oil considered dangerous goods? 0 11/16/2015
Hi All, Hope you are well. I have a project I am doing some conceptual work on at the minute and am looking at the waste management from the project... 0 9/22/2015
Is there any quantity or concentration limits to classified as Dangerous Goods 0 6/13/2015
Does anyone hav e a copy of Sustained Combustibility Test for Flammable liquids, as prescribed in PartIII,32.5.2 of the United Nations Manual of tests... 0 5/27/2015
Hi, can you tell me if a MSDS sheet has "not classified" under the transport section for ADR/IMDG/IATA, does this mean it can travel as normal cargo? 0 1/19/2015
According to ADR how does it look veichle for Ammonium Nitrate transport (UN 1942); is there any picture about it? Thanks in advance. 0 10/20/2014
Can you have more than 1 parcel when shipping dangerous goods in LTD QTY by IATA. IE, UN1950, AEROSOLS FLAMMABLE Y203 2 X FIBREBOARD BOXS total 25kg G... 0 10/11/2014
In the IMDG there is supposed to be a listing of by UN number the name of all dangerous goods. The problem I am having is that I am looking for the UN... 0 1/28/2014
hello could someone clarify for me the segregation rules for CAO EXPLOSIFS ( 1.3C/1.3G-1.4B/1.4B/C/D/E/G) in air transport UNDERSTAND THAT 1.4B M... 0 12/6/2013