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  Subject Replies Date
America was the first democracy since ancient Greece. Why do no other countries use our system (three branches of govt, etc) 10 7/23/2019
Who invented democracy? 1 1/21/2019
The birth of democracy in the US 1 9/24/2016
Democracy in ancient Greece 3 8/21/2015
Absolute Freedom 0 5/10/2015
Why democracy adopted by people of the nation is long lasting than democracy forced by outside powers? 0 5/4/2015
Is it possible for democracy to go beyond the Nakamura rule of 3? 0 4/27/2015
Democracy in the Middle Ages 2 6/16/2014
Democracy dictales latin america future 0 5/27/2014
How did the democracy start? 0 5/27/2014
Democracy in the 20th century 1 1/2/2011