Joan of Arc
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  Subject Replies Date
How did Joan of arc impact on the middle ages? 0 1/17/2016
Were her claims first taken seriously? Did she have to use influence to get to meet the king? 2 8/21/2015
Different theories about Joan of Arc's faith 4 7/19/2015
Was Joan of Arc a royal bastard? 2 7/19/2015
Why over thousands of years can the church be so cruel to it's followers? Someone like Joan Of Arc that loved the church and her country would be put ... 0 3/13/2015
Joan Of Arc 0 3/13/2015
Was she given military responsibilities full fledged? 2 7/17/2014
Joan of Arc ushered in lasting change in the political landscape of France 1 7/17/2014
How did Joan of Arc source her armor and weapons? 2 5/14/2013
Name 3 battles Joan of Arc won 2 4/26/2013
Why was Joan of Arc so popular in her time? 3 4/10/2013
What are some of the resons that Joan was feared or hated? 1 2/23/2013
in what city was joan of arc burned 1 11/2/2012
What is Joan of Arc's place as a cultural figure? 3 4/9/2012
Why were people so bothered by her men's clothing? 3 3/8/2012
Do you think that Joan of Arc's permission came as a last resort? 2 3/7/2012
Which three saints instructed Joan of Arc to drive out the English? 2 2/4/2011