Mongol Empire
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  Subject Replies Date
What is the social status of the mongol empire? 0 11/29/2014
Did the Mongol Empire have democratic rule? 1 7/17/2014
What is the social status in the mongol empire 0 12/10/2013
What kinds of impact did the ilkhan empire have on the conqured regions? 0 11/17/2013
When was the Mongol Empire at its peak? 0 5/12/2013
What other characteristics of the Mongols in particular enabled them to be successful? 2 4/10/2013
How did the rapid Mongol expansion impact the social, cultural, and political development of Mongol society? 0 12/2/2012
How did Genghis Khan rule his empire? 2 1/1/2011