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  Subject Replies Date
Are piranhas kept as pets? 0 10/13/2019
Have people ever been killed by piranha? 1 2/23/2019
Is it true that piranhas are found as far as bangladesh? 2 1/3/2019
What are the physical and behavioural inate quaklities 0 3/7/2017
Where do piranhas live? 0 6/7/2015
Piranha fish caught in wv river 0 12/15/2014
What sizes do the teeth of piranhas usually become? 2 7/18/2014
what is the lonest piranha ever 0 12/3/2013
What are the physical and behavioral inate qualities? 2 4/11/2013
why are piranhas silver? 1 9/23/2012
In which areas are piranhas particularly found? 2 3/8/2012
Are Piranhas found everywhere? 2 2/5/2012