Saint Louis University, Baguio City
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  Subject Replies Date
Does any of you knows how much is the tuition fee per semester for medical technology at SLU? If so, pls inform me. 0 4/23/2018
Hi, my daugther plans to enroll in the course of BS Pschology, how much the tuition fee per semester? and the dormetory? Thanks 0 11/21/2017
I just want to ask if someone knows if how much is the tuition fee for a BS Medical Technology course and HRM course? and if the school offers a langu... 0 7/25/2017
How much is the tuition fee for BS ARCH and BS CHEM ENG? 0 3/25/2017
Tuition 1 3/25/2017
BMLS 1 2/6/2016
Sir/mam, may i know how much is the amount of tuition fee per unit if the course is BSTM(Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management)? 0 12/9/2015
May I ask if SLU is accepting cross enrolees Majoring in Special Education. THANKS LOT!!!! 0 9/22/2015
What is the amount per unit if the course is BMLS? 0 2/12/2015
What is history of saint louis university baguio? 0 12/9/2014
How much is a 3rd year(2010)tuition fee for nursing 0 5/25/2014
Nursing tf 0 5/25/2014
Can i know how much the course BS Biol cost? how much is the tuition fee for that ? 1 4/23/2014
I am now US based and would like to get my transcripts from SLU. What are the requirements to get one and where? Thank you. 0 4/14/2014
Why is it called saint louis university? 0 2/4/2014
How can I register in your Alumni Association? I graduated october 1999 JULIE BITOT GANO 2 11/24/2013
Just asking how much the tuition fee of accountancy? 1 11/11/2013
I am currently studying here in the US to become a nurse. There are classes that i already took. And by next year I am planning to back there in the P... 0 9/8/2013