The Great Gatsby
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  Subject Replies Date
What is the name of the boarder? 1 3/18/2015
What does Gatsby have Jordan discuss with Nick? 0 3/18/2015
How comfortable is narrator at gatsby the party 0 2/13/2015
When did the first greek alphabet take place? 0 2/5/2015
What character receives an "education" in the novel? 0 4/5/2014
What does gatsby ask nick that makes him uncomfortable on their way to N.Y.? 0 3/24/2014
Why does the Gatsby have huge parties? 2 11/8/2013
What does Gatsby ask Nick that makes him uncomfortable on their way to New York? 0 11/5/2013
Explain the strange statement Daisy made after the boirth of her child. 0 9/20/2013
how do i read the story 0 11/27/2010