1993 U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (the Brady Bill) into law.
1993 The North American Free Trade Agreement is signed into law by US President Bill Clinton.
1994 Former Arkansas state worker Paula Jones files suit against President Bill Clinton, alleging that he had sexually harassed her in 1991.
1994 Francisco Martin Duran fires over two dozen shots at the White House (Duran is later convicted of trying to kill US President Bill Clinton).
1995 President Bill Clinton authorizes a $20 billion loan to Mexico to stabilize its economy.
1995 U.S. President Bill Clinton became the first President to visit Northern Ireland.
1996 Whitewater controversy: President Bill Clinton gives a 4½ hour videotaped testimony for the defense.
1996 U.S. President Bill Clinton's former business partners in the Whitewater land deal, James McDougal and Susan McDougal, and the Governor of Arkansas Jim Guy Tucker, are convicted of fraud.
1996 Bill Clinton signs welfare reform into law, representing major shift in US welfare policy
1996 U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty at the United Nations.
1996 The Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments are signed by U.S. President Bill Clinton.
1997 U.S. President Bill Clinton bans federally funded human cloning research.
1997 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that Paula Jones can pursue her sexual harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton while he is in office.
1998 Paula Jones accuses President Bill Clinton of sexual harassment.
1998 Lewinsky scandal: Matt Drudge breaks the story of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky affair on his website The Drudge Report.
1998 Lewinsky scandal: On American television, U.S. President Bill Clinton denies having had "sexual relations" with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
1998 Lewinsky scandal: a federal judge rules that United States Secret Service agents can be compelled to testify before a grand jury concerning the scandal, involving President Bill Clinton.
1998 Monica Lewinsky scandal: US President Bill Clinton admits in taped testimony that he had an "improper physical relationship" with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. On the same day he admits before the nation that he "misled people" about the relationship.
1998 Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against U.S. President Bill Clinton.
1998 Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives forwards articles I and III of impeachment against President Bill Clinton to the Senate.
1999 The Senate trial in the impeachment of U.S. President Bill Clinton begins. He had been impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19.
1999 President Bill Clinton is acquitted by the United States Senate in his impeachment trial.
1999 President Bill Clinton issues a posthumous pardon for U.S. Army Lt. Henry Ossian Flipper.
1999 US President Bill Clinton is cited for contempt of court for giving "intentionally false statements" in a sexual harassment civil lawsuit.
1999 U.S. President Bill Clinton imposes trade and economic sanctions against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.
2000 President Bill Clinton announces that accurate GPS access would no longer be restricted to the United States military.
2000 Bill Clinton becomes the first U.S. President to visit Vietnam since the end of the Vietnam War.
2001 US President Bill Clinton awards former President Theodore Roosevelt a posthumous Medal of Honor for his service in the Spanish-American War.
2001 President Bill Clinton posthumously raises Meriwether Lewis' rank from Lieutenant to Captain.