1769 in art


  • Christopher Hewetson
    Christopher Hewetson
    Christopher Hewetson was a neoclassical sculptor of portrait busts. Born in Ireland, he was active in Rome.-Biography:Hewetson was born in Thomastown, County Kilkenny, Ireland. He studied in Dublin under John van Nost the younger....

     – Busts of Charles Townley and Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn
    Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, 4th Baronet
    Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, 4th Baronet was a Welsh politician and patron of the arts.Sir Watkin was the eldest son of the second marriage of his father, Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, 3rd Baronet, to Frances Shackerley of Cheshire...

  • Jean-Honoré Fragonard
    Jean-Honoré Fragonard
    Jean-Honoré Fragonard was a French painter and printmaker whose late Rococo manner was distinguished by remarkable facility, exuberance, and hedonism. One of the most prolific artists active in the last decades of the Ancien Régime, Fragonard produced more than 550 paintings , of which only five...

     – Self Portrait


  • April 3 – Josiah Wedgwood II
    Josiah Wedgwood II
    Josiah Wedgwood II , the son of the English potter Josiah Wedgwood, continued his father's firm and was Member of Parliament for Stoke-upon-Trent from 1832 to 1835...

    , pottery owner, son of Josiah Wedgwood
    Josiah Wedgwood
    Josiah Wedgwood was an English potter, founder of the Wedgwood company, credited with the industrialization of the manufacture of pottery. A prominent abolitionist, Wedgwood is remembered for his "Am I Not A Man And A Brother?" anti-slavery medallion. He was a member of the Darwin–Wedgwood family...

     (d. 1843
    1843 in art
    -Events:*August – Richard Dadd, taken to the country by his family to recover from a mental breakdown, murders his father.*John Ruskin's Modern Painters is published.-Births:*March 3 – Aleksander Sochaczewski, Polish painter...

  • April 13 – Sir Thomas Lawrence
    Thomas Lawrence (painter)
    Sir Thomas Lawrence RA FRS was a leading English portrait painter and president of the Royal Academy.Lawrence was a child prodigy. He was born in Bristol and began drawing in Devizes, where his father was an innkeeper. At the age of ten, having moved to Bath, he was supporting his family with his...

    , English portrait painter (d. 1830
    1830 in art
    -Events:*Clarkson Stanfield's panorama The Military Pass of the Simplon is featured in a Christmas pantomime in London.*Approximate beginning of the Barbizon school of painters.-Works:*George Catlin – General William Clark...

  • March 19 – François Joseph Bosio
    François Joseph Bosio
    Baron François Joseph Bosio was a French sculptor who achieved distinction in the first quarter of the nineteenth century with his work for Napoleon and for the restored French monarchy.-Biography:...

    , French sculptor (d. 1845
    1845 in art
    -Events:*February 7 – The Portland Vase is destroyed by a drunk. It has since been reconstructed three times.-Works:*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres – Portrait of Countess Haussonville*Jan August Hendrik Leys – Franz Floris se rendant a une fête...

  • September 19 – George Raper
    George Raper
    - Career :Raper was born to Henry and Catherine Raper in London, England on 19 September 1769. On 20 August 1783 he joined the Royal Navy's HMS Rose as a captain's servant. After further service on HMS Racehorse, he joined HMS Sirius on 15 November 1786...

    , nature artist (d. 1797
    1797 in art
    -Births:*June 16 – Sophie Fremiet, French painter *July 17 – Hippolyte Delaroche, French painter *August 8 – Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury, French painter *September 19 – January Suchodolski, Polish painter and Army officer...

  • October 23 – James Ward
    James Ward (artist)
    James Ward , R.A., was a painter, particularly of animals, and an engraver.-Biography:Born in London, and younger brother of William Ward the engraver, James Ward was influenced by many people, but his career is conventionally divided into two periods: until 1803, his single greatest influence was...

    , painter, primarily of animals, and an engraver (d. 1859
    1859 in art
    -Events:* April 26 - William Morris marries his model, Jane Burden.* Frederic E. Church's The Heart of the Andes is exhibited in New York and draws 12,000 paying visitors....

  • December 23 – Sir Martin Archer Shee
    Martin Archer Shee
    Sir Martin Archer Shee RA was a British portrait painter and president of the Royal Academy.-Biography:...

    , British portrait painter (d. 1850
    1850 in art
    -Events:*Francisco Goya's engravings, Proverbios, are posthumously published.*Edouard Pingret relocates to Mexico City.-Awards:* Grand Prix de Rome, painting: William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Paul Baudry.* Grand Prix de Rome, sculpture:...

  • date unknown
    • Shin Wui
      Shin Wui
      Shin Wui , was a painter in the literary artist's style and government officer of the late Joseon period.Shin Wui left works in various fields such as paintings, calligraphy and poetry.-See also:*Korean painting*List of Korean painters...

      , Korea
      Korea ) is an East Asian geographic region that is currently divided into two separate sovereign states — North Korea and South Korea. Located on the Korean Peninsula, Korea is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the northwest, Russia to the northeast, and is separated from Japan to the...

      n painter in the literary artist's style of the late Joseon period
      Joseon Dynasty
      Joseon , was a Korean state founded by Taejo Yi Seong-gye that lasted for approximately five centuries. It was founded in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Goryeo at what is today the city of Kaesong. Early on, Korea was retitled and the capital was relocated to modern-day Seoul...

       (d. 1847
      1847 in art
      -Events:*William Dyce is commissioned to decorate the Queen's Robing Room at the newly-completed Palace of Westminster.-Works:*Thomas Cole – Indian Pass Tawahus*Jean-Léon Gérôme – The Cock Fight...

    • Toyokuni
      Utagawa Toyokuni , also often referred to as Toyokuni I, to distinguish him from the members of his school who took over his gō after he died, was a great master of ukiyo-e, known in particular for his Kabuki actor prints...

      , Japan
      Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

      ese master of ukiyo-e
      ' is a genre of Japanese woodblock prints and paintings produced between the 17th and the 20th centuries, featuring motifs of landscapes, tales from history, the theatre, and pleasure quarters...

      , especially Kabuki
      is classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers.The individual kanji characters, from left to right, mean sing , dance , and skill...

       actor prints (d. 1825
      1825 in art
      -Births:*February 4 – Myles Birket Foster, illustrator and watercolour painter *March 13 – Hans Gude, painter *May 1 – Eleanor Vere Boyle, watercolorist *May 9 – James Collinson, Pre-Raphaelite painter...



  • August 17 – Giuseppe Bazzani
    Giuseppe Bazzani
    Giuseppe Bazzani was an Italian painter of the Rococo.Born in Mantua to a goldsmith, Giovanni Bazzani, early on he apprenticed with the Parmesan painter Giovanni Canti . A fellow pupil was Francesco Maria Raineri. He spent most of his life in Mantua...

    , Italian
    Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

     painter of the Rococo
    Rococo , also referred to as "Late Baroque", is an 18th-century style which developed as Baroque artists gave up their symmetry and became increasingly ornate, florid, and playful...

     (b. 1690
    1690 in art
    -Events:*Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer leaves France for England, where he produces a series of decorative panels for Montagu House, Bloomsbury.-Births:*January 22 - Nicolas Lancret, French painter...

  • November 5 – Prince Hoare
    Prince Hoare (elder)
    Prince Hoare was an English sculptor. "Prince" is a given name, not a royal title.Possibly born near Eye, Suffolk, brother of William Hoare, he trained under Peter Scheemakers in London. He subsequently settled in Bath with his brother but spent much of the 1740s in Italy...

    , English
    England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

     sculptor (b. 1711
    1711 in art
    -Paintings:* Manuel Arellano paints the earliest prototypes of the casta genre works.* Godfrey Kneller paints Sir Christopher Wren.-Births:*March 5 - Carl Gustaf Pilo, Swedish-born artist and painter...

  • date unknown
    • Giuseppe Grisoni
      Giuseppe Grisoni
      Giuseppe Pierre Joseph Grisoni , also known as Grifoni or Grison, was an Italian painter and sculptor, noted for his landscapes and historical tableaux....

      , painter and sculptor (b. 1699
      1699 in art
      -Births:*March 26 – Hubert-François Gravelot, French illustrator * Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, French painter * Giuseppe Grisoni, painter * Ivan Vishnyakov, Russian painter...

    • Sim Sajeong
      Sim Sajeong
      Sim Sajeong , was a representative painter in the literary artist's style along with Jeong Seon in 18th Joseon period. He learned painting from Jeong Seon, so was influenced by his teacher...

      , Korea
      Korea ) is an East Asian geographic region that is currently divided into two separate sovereign states — North Korea and South Korea. Located on the Korean Peninsula, Korea is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the northwest, Russia to the northeast, and is separated from Japan to the...

      n genre works painter in the style of the Joseon period
      Joseon Dynasty
      Joseon , was a Korean state founded by Taejo Yi Seong-gye that lasted for approximately five centuries. It was founded in the aftermath of the overthrow of the Goryeo at what is today the city of Kaesong. Early on, Korea was retitled and the capital was relocated to modern-day Seoul...

       (b. 1707
      1707 in art
      -Births:*March 2 – Louis-Michel van Loo, French painter *date unknown**William Hoare, English painter, noted for his pastels **Francisco Salzillo, Spanish sculptor **Giuseppe Bonito, Neapolitan painter of the Rococo period...

  • probableHakuin Ekaku
    Hakuin Ekaku
    was one of the most influential figures in Japanese Zen Buddhism. He revived the Rinzai school from a moribund period of stagnation, refocusing it on its traditionally rigorous training methods integrating meditation and koan practice...

    , Japanese Zen master, noted for his painting and calligraphy (b. 1685
    1685 in art
    -Paintings:* Simon Ushakov, Painted The Last Supper -Births:*March 17 - Jean-Marc Nattier, French painter *date unknown**Charles Cressent, French furniture-maker, sculptor and fondeur-ciseleur of the régence style...

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