AEF is a three-letter acronym
Three-letter acronym
A three-letter acronym, three-letter abbreviation, or TLA is an abbreviation, specifically an acronym, alphabetism, or initialism, consisting of three letters...

 which may refer to:
  • Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship
    Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship
    The Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship of Australia is an Indigenous Australian Christian organisation that was formed in January, 1970, in Port Augusta, South Australia....

    , Australia
  • Afrique Équatoriale Française or French Equatorial Africa
    French Equatorial Africa
    French Equatorial Africa or the AEF was the federation of French colonial possessions in Middle Africa, extending northwards from the Congo River to the Sahara Desert.-History:...

  • Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation
  • Air Experience Flight
    Air Experience Flight
    An Air Experience Flight is a training unit of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve whose main purpose is to give introductory flying experience to Air Cadets or the RAF section of the Combined Cadet Force...

  • Alameda Education Foundation
    Alameda Education Foundation
    The Alameda Education Foundation is an Alameda, California, USA organization working to provide supplemental funding to the students and teachers of Alameda's public schools....

  • American Eagle Foundation
    American Eagle Foundation
    American Eagle Foundation is a United States non-profit organization dedicated to Bald Eagle rehabilitation, recovery, and breeding programs.-History:...

  • American Expeditionary Forces, in World War I
  • Asian Pacific American Bar Association Educational Fund
    Asian Pacific American Bar Association Educational Fund
    The Asian Pacific American Bar Association Educational Fund is a non-profit organization established by the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of the Greater Washington, D.C. Area, Inc. in 1993 to engage exclusively in charitable and educational activities. In 2005, AEF established the...

  • Aviation Environment Federation
    Aviation Environment Federation
    The Aviation Environment Federation is the principal UK non-profit making organisation concerned with the environmental effects of aviation. These range from aviation noise issues associated with small airstrips or helipads to the contribution of airline emissions to global warming...

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