A Mother of a Problem
"A Mother of a Problem" is the eighteenth episode in the third season, the 59th episode overall, of the American dramedy series Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty is an American comedy-drama television series developed by Silvio Horta, which premiered on ABC on September 28, 2006, and ended on April 14, 2010. The series revolves around the character Betty Suarez and is based on Fernando Gaitán's Colombian telenovela soap opera Yo soy Betty, la fea...

, which aired on March 12, 2009. The episode was written by Bill Wrubel and directed by Matthew Diamond
Matthew Diamond
Matthew Diamond is an American film and television director, producer and choreographer.He was nominated for an Academy Award in 1999 for directing the documentary film The Dancemaker...



As the morning begins, it's Saturday and Matt has joined the family for breakfast as Betty discusses meeting Matt's mother, Victoria. Hilda doesn't want to discuss being set up with Archie.

Betty meets Victoria but things do go as she expects. After a disastrous first meeting in which Mrs. Hartley mistakes Betty for hired help, Betty's determined to make a good impression at Mrs. Hartley's Friday night shindig by going through what Matt calls "The Victoria Hartley Taste Test" because of her criticism of Matt's taste in girlfriends. Through Claire's advice, Betty discovers that the topic to be discussed that night is torture, but thanks to Victoria, who succeeds by separating both Betty and Matt by placing them at the opposite ends of the dining table, the topic has been switched to the future of opera. Fortunately, Betty makes a nice save by drawing a parallel to fashion (complete with thoughts of these comparisons on the cover of MODE) and wows the guests.

Victoria still insists that Betty get out of Matt's life. Betty starts having doubts and thinks maybe it's better to just bow out, but Matt, furious over his mother's dislike for Betty, gives Victoria a piece of his mind and says that he is standing by his girlfriend [Betty]. A stunned Betty didn't want to be labelled by Matt as his girlfriend, but apparently he does. Eventually, Betty is convinced as well, even though as she meets Matt the following day, Victoria still has a dislike for Betty after they run into each other on the street. However, Victoria has realised that she wants him to be happy, so she and Betty agree to be civil.

As Betty finds herself dealing with one love interest, sister Hilda has her own romantic dilemma to deal with, as the rest of the Suarezes, along with Elena, have conspired to invite Archie to dinner, in the hopes that he and Hilda will hit it off. It's already becoming obvious to even Archie, who sees that Hilda is resistant as she tried to avoid talking to him and tried to change the subject, that this set-up would be the lamest idea ever. Nevertheless, when he asks her to go on a date as he leaves, she accepts.

For Daniel and Wilhelmina, their attempts to lure a photographer for a photo shoot falls through after the client tells them that he wants to be paid in full by Friday or the deal is off. This has Daniel and Wilhelmina trying to come up with ways to lure the client back. So Wilhelmina must resort to selling all of her luxuries that she has grown attached over the years to an auction house in order to raise money for the magazine. She even tells Marc she is doing it to get control of the company but this move has Marc fretting the future of his boss when she must downsize by all means, including having been served almonds instead of her usual expensive snacks (champagne and caviar) and conserving energy. But the sacrifice does pay off and the client signs with MODE. As she is congratulated by Daniel, it looks like Willy hasn't given up her lifestyle as she shows Marc that she can indulge in the lavish lifestyle by showing Marc the customary snacks.

Daniel must also deal with the latest wrinkle in his relationship with Molly after she refuses to participate in an experimental clinical study that only has up to a 10 percent success rate, and Daniel can't understand it as Molly tries to talk Daniel out of pressuring her to go through with the procedure and then insists that they still don't have a future. Eventually, he decides to accede to her wishes and pack in quality interaction in the time she has left by taking her out into the snow for a little recreation.


This episode, despite remaining third behind Survivor: Tocantins on CBS
CBS Broadcasting Inc. is a major US commercial broadcasting television network, which started as a radio network. The name is derived from the initials of the network's former name, Columbia Broadcasting System. The network is sometimes referred to as the "Eye Network" in reference to the shape of...

 and Bones
Bones (TV series)
Bones is an American crime drama television series that premiered on the Fox Network on September 13, 2005. The show is based on forensic anthropology and forensic archaeology, with each episode focusing on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by FBI Special Agent...

on Fox
Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox Broadcasting Company, commonly referred to as Fox Network or simply Fox , is an American commercial broadcasting television network owned by Fox Entertainment Group, part of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Launched on October 9, 1986, Fox was the highest-rated broadcast network in the...

, managed to reverse a declining trend after the last two outings with an increase of 4.9/8 overall, a 2.1/6 among 18-49 and 7.2 million viewers in the US tuning in, a gain of 830,000 viewers.

Also starring

  • Ralph Macchio
    Ralph Macchio
    Ralph George Macchio is an American actor, best known for his roles as Daniel LaRusso in the Karate Kid series, Bill Gambini in My Cousin Vinny, and Johnny Cade in The Outsiders. He is also known to American television audiences for his season five recurring role as Jeremy Andretti on the...

     as Archie
  • Daniel Eric Gold
    Daniel Eric Gold
    Daniel Eric Gold is an American theater, TV and movie actor. He attended Lee Strasberg's Theater Institute as a teenager, and went on to graduate from Penn State in 1996, with a degree in Theater Arts....

     as Matt
  • Sarah Lafleur
    Sarah Lafleur
    Sarah Lafleur is a Canadian-born actress, most recognizable for her roles in Ugly Betty , The Mentalist , Grey's Anatomy , CSI: NY , Crossing Jordan , Without a Trace , Playmakers ; and the films Shall We Dance? , Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story and Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story...

     as Molly
  • Lauren Velez
    Lauren Vélez
    Lauren Vélez is an American actress of Puerto Rican descent and the twin sister of actress Loraine Vélez. Her most notable roles are as María LaGuerta on Dexter, Detective Nina Moreno on Fox's New York Undercover, and Dr...

    as Elena
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