Armageddon Game (DS9 episode)
"Armageddon Game" is the 33rd episode
An episode is a part of a dramatic work such as a serial television or radio program. An episode is a part of a sequence of a body of work, akin to a chapter of a book. The term sometimes applies to works based on other forms of mass media as well, as in Star Wars...

 of the science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe...



Dr. Bashir
Julian Bashir
Lieutenant Julian Subatoi Bashir, M.D., played by Alexander Siddig, is a main character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Bashir is the chief medical officer of space station Deep Space Nine and the USS Defiant.-Overview:...

 and Chief O'Brien
Miles O'Brien (Star Trek)
Miles Edward O'Brien, played by Colm Meaney, is Chief of Operations in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Before DS9, he appeared as a recurring transporter chief in Star Trek: The Next Generation...

 have spent the past two weeks helping two races, the T'Lani and the Kellerun, dismantle deadly biological weapons
Biological warfare
Biological warfare is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi with intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war...

 known as "Harvesters" which were used by both sides in a centuries-long war. When Bashir finds the correct level of radiation
In physics, radiation is a process in which energetic particles or energetic waves travel through a medium or space. There are two distinct types of radiation; ionizing and non-ionizing...

 to destroy a Harvester sample, everyone is speechless. The T'Lani and Kellerun ambassadors enter to see for themselves and O'Brien assures them that all files related to the Harvesters have been destroyed so as to prevent them from ever being created again. This means the two races can finally put the war behind them. He and Bashir then inform Commander Sisko
Benjamin Sisko
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, played by Avery Brooks, is the main character of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.-Early life and career:...

 that they plan to stay for a celebration once they finish destroying the remaining stockpiles of Harvesters and will return to Deep Space Nine
Deep Space Nine (space station)
Deep Space Nine is a fictitious space station, and is the eponymous primary setting of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It serves as a base for the exploration of the Gamma Quadrant via the Bajoran wormhole, and is a hub of trade and travel for the sector's denizens...

 in two days.

When the moment comes to destroy the final Harvester tube, Bashir ceremoniously places it in the machine so it can be destroyed. However, as the Harvester is being destroyed, two Kellerun soldiers enter the laboratory and begin shooting the scientists, T'Lani and Kellerun alike. Bashir and O'Brien manage to overpower the guards in the frenzy that ensues, but a drop of the Harvester liquid falls on O'Brien's skin. The doors locked and communications with their runabout jammed, they are forced to beam down to the surface of a planet whose population was devastated by Harvesters.

The T'Lani and Kellerun ambassadors inform Sisko that O'Brien and Bashir died in an accident and provide a video supposedly showing the officers' deaths. Meanwhile, Bashir and O'Brien are stranded in a ghost town
Ghost town
A ghost town is an abandoned town or city. A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it has failed, or due to natural or human-caused disasters such as floods, government actions, uncontrolled lawlessness, war, or nuclear disasters...

. Taking refuge in one of the buildings, they decide to try to find a way of contacting the T'Lani to inform them of the Kelleruns' betrayal. Back on the station, the entire crew watches the video of the "accident," in which Bashir, O'Brien, and the scientists are vaporized instantly. They presume the men dead, and begin grieving them.

At O'Brien's suggestion, he and Bashir stay in the building where they have taken refuge in order to minimize the prospect of the Kellerun finding them. Small talk runs out and an irritable O'Brien appears to have a fever. Bashir looks at O'Brien's arm and realizes he has been infected by the Harvester. As O'Brien begins to lose coherence, Bashir takes over and works on their would-be communications device.

Sisko has the grim duty of informing Keiko O'Brien of the accident, and she can tell before he says a word. Dax tells Kira
Kira Nerys
Kira Nerys , played by Nana Visitor, is a main character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.-Backstory:Per Bajoran custom, her family name, Kira, precedes her given name, Nerys. She has two brothers , and her parents' names are Kira Taban and Kira Meru...

 she has Bashir's medical diaries, which he gave to her some time ago to "help her understand him," and feels guilty because she never even read them. Even Quark
Quark (Star Trek)
Quark is a fictional character in the American television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The character, which was played by Armin Shimerman, was depicted as a member of an extraterrestrial race known as the Ferengi, who are stereotypically ultra-capitalist and only motivated by...

 mourns the officers' deaths, offering Kira and Dax each a free drink, a gesture that Kira notes is almost unbelievable. The crew resolve to go on without their two dead crewmates. However, Keiko brings the recording of the "accident" to Sisko's office and shows him that, according to the recording, her husband was drinking coffee
Coffee is a brewed beverage with a dark,init brooo acidic flavor prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant, colloquially called coffee beans. The beans are found in coffee cherries, which grow on trees cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin America, Southeast Asia,...

in the afternoon - something she is certain he would never do. Sisko decides to investigate.

Back on the planet, O'Brien's condition deteriorates quickly.

Sisko and Dax visit the T'Lani ambassador, who allows Sisko to view the site of the "accident." While he is gone, Dax investigates O'Brien and Bashir's runabout and finds evidence of foul play. In the meantime, Bashir manages to get a signal to the T'Lani, but when the Kellerun show up as well, the ambassadors reveal that the "accident" was a joint endeavor meant to erase any knowledge that could potentially be used to make Harvesters. Sisko and Dax manage to transport Bashir and O'Brien to their runabout. The T'Lani and Kellerun destroy the runabout, only to discover that the crew beamed to the other runabout and escaped.

As Chief O'Brien recovers from the Harvester poisoning in sick bay, Keiko is stunned to discover that he does drink coffee in the afternoon, meaning that the investigation and rescue were done by accident.

External links

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