Balada para un mochilero
Balada para un mochilero is a 1971
1971 in film
The year 1971 in film involved some significant events.-Events:*February 8 - Bob Dylan's hour long documentary film, Eat the Document, premieres at New York's Academy of Music...

Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

 musical film
Musical film
The musical film is a film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing. The songs usually advance the plot or develop the film's characters, though in some cases they serve merely as breaks in the storyline, often as elaborate...

 comedy directed by Carlos Rinaldi
Carlos Rinaldi
Carlos Rinaldi was an Argentine film director, film editor and screenwriter.Rinaldi began as a film editor in 1937 but in 1949 he became a film director and directed some 30 pictures working on films such as Besos perdidos...

 and written by Norberto Aroldi
Norberto Aroldi
Norberto Aroldi was an Argentine film actor and screenwriter.Born in Buenos Aires, he starred in the Cinema of Argentina in the 1960s and 1970s and wrote for films such as Aconcagua and El Andador ....

. The film premiered in Argentina on August 5, 1971.


  • Arnaldo André
    Arnaldo André
    Arnaldo André is a soap-opera Paraguayan actor. He spent most of his career in Argentina, where he has been active since 1964. He earned a Martín Fierro award in 2010, and currently works at Los únicos.-Biography:...

  • Aldo Barbero
    Aldo Barbero
    Aldo Barbero is an Argentine actor who has made over 65 appearances in film and TV in Argentine since the early 1960s.In 1971 he appeared in the musical Balada para un mochilero directed by Carlos Rinaldi which starred Jose Marrone....

  • Rodolfo Brindisi
    Rodolfo Brindisi
    Rodolfo Brindisi was an Argentine actor who appeared in film and television in Argentina between 1970 and 2003.In 1971 he appeared in the musical Balada para un mochilero directed by Carlos Rinaldi, which starred José Marrone.-External links:...

  • Marcelo Chimento
    Marcelo Chimento
    Marcelo Chimento was an Argentine actor who made several appearances in film and television in Argentina in the 1970s and early 1980s....

  • Cacho Espíndola
    Cacho Espíndola
    Cacho Espíndola was an Argentine actor. He starred in the 1962 film Una Jaula no tiene secretos.-External links:. ....

  • Néstor Fabián
  • Mario Fortuna Jr.
  • Los Iracundos
  • Mariángeles
  • José Marrone
    José Marrone
    José Carlos Marrone was an Argentine actor and humorist.His beginnings were in vaudeville theaters and the radio; afterwards he hosted several children-oriented TV shows, such as "El Circo de Marrone" , playing the clown character Pepitito...

  • Délfor Medina
  • Graciela Pal
  • Nelly Tesolín
  • Estela Vidal
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