, Canada
. It was formed following the construction of the Mercier Dam in 1927 and has an area of 413 km2. It has no generating station at its dam, but the reservoir is used to control the flow of the Gatineau River
for several hydroelectric generating stations downstream.
Its primary source is the Gatineau River. Other significant sources are:
- Gens de Terre RiverGens de Terre RiverThe Gens de Terre River is a river in central Quebec, Canada. It is located on the eastern edge of the La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve in the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau County Municipality in the Outaouais region...
- Notawassi River
- Rivière d'Argent
Baskatong Reservoir is accessible by several short forest roads off Route 117
, about 200 km (124 mi) north of Ottawa
, and about 290 km (180 mi) north-west from Montreal
Baskatong Reservoir is a popular location for fishing and has over 20 outfitters established on its shores.
A lot o' people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch o' unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realize that there's this, like, lattice o' coincidence that lays on top o' everything. Give you an example, show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate o' shrimp. Suddenly someone'll say, like, "plate," or "shrimp," or "plate o' shrimp" out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconsciousness.
The more you drive, the less intelligent you are.
It's a beautiful night... You can almost see the stars.
Sy Richardson - Lite, Repo man
Tom Finnegan - Oly, Repo man