Battle of Khanwa
The Battle of Khanwa, was fought near the village of Khanwa, about 60 km west of Agra
on March 17, 1527. The second major battle fought in modern day India
, by the first Mughal Emperor Babur
after the Battle of Panipat (1526). As the Mughal Empire
expanded it faced new opponents especially in the regions around Agra
and inside Rajputana
. After defeating Ibrahim Lodi, the first Mughal Emperor Babur
faced many Lodi warriors including Sikandar Lodi and his son Mahmud Lodi who rallied behind the prestigious Muslim Rajput ruler Raja Hasan Khan Mewatpatti
of Mewat
Raja Hasan Khan Mewatpatti
being himself a Rajput
easily gained the support of Rana Sanga
a powerful Hindu
, together they all sought to defeat and overthrow the first Mughal Emperor Babur
and his Muslim
The Hindu
s and Babur
's Muslim
opponents gathered a formidable army much larger and more well organized than that of the previous one that Ibrahim Lodi had gathered at the Battle of Panipat (1526).But were betrayed by the King of Malwa
Babur's grandson Akbar the Great
established the city and fort of Fatehpur Sikri
in honor of his grandfather's victory in this battle.
and his Mughal
forces advanced towards Panipat
, he received an embassy of Rajput
s representing Rana Sangha of Mewar
the most powerful Hindu
ruler in the region. The Rajput
s agreed to form an alliance with the Mughals against the Lodi dynasty and advance their forces towards Agra
, in return Babur
was to grant Kalpi
, Dholpur
and Biana to Rana Sangha. After Babur
and the Mughals defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the Battle of Panipat, he learned that Rana Sangha had not advanced against the Lodi dynasty and therefore refused to hand over anything to the Rajput
Angered by the first Mughal Emperor Babur
's response, Rana Sangha allied himself with Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
of Mewat
a Muslim Rajput leader of the Meo
s. Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
had been providing support and refuge to rebels such as Sikandar Lodi and particularly Mahmud Lodi.
, a Hindu
is noted to have come forward representing Rana Sangha in an effort to negotiate with the first Mughal Emperor Babur
. Rana Sangha demanded that the lands around Agra be submitted to his authority and as the negotiations concluded, Babur
had realized that the overconfident and numerically superior Rana Sangha would indeed attack. On March, 1527, the Rajput
s had gathered an army of 100,000 strong and began to mobilize against Babur
. In his memoirs Babur writes: The accursed Pagan...had annexed 200 cities in Mughal
territory and ensured the burning of Mosque
s and the executions of Imam
s and the women and children of these towns had been made captive.
This event instigated the gathering of the quarrelsome Mughal
s towards the command of Babur
, but this time the Mughal
s sought no riches from their new enemies, they were now firm in their quest for revenge accompanied by a strong religious zeal. As Babur
began to mobilize against the well prepared and heavily armed forces of Rana Sangha, approximately 20,000 Muslim Rajputs began a march towards Biana, under the command of Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
. Realizing his vast numerical weakness Babur
withdrew most of his forces from Agra
, he ordered his son Humayun
to withdraw from his expedition at Jaunpur
and start gathering Mughal
realized that Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
the ruler of Mewat
a region lying south of Delhi
, spread across south Haryana
and northeast Rajasthan could be influenced to abandon his quest alongside Rana Sangha. Although Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
was a formidable rival, by reputation he was evidently respected among native Indian Muslims and therefore Babur
made an attempt to appease the Muslim Rajput ruler by releasing Naher Khan the son of Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
, who had been captured at the Battle of Panipat. Babur
released Naher Khan with the traditional Mughal
's of honor and with the finest Arabian horse
s in order to gain the good will of Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
and attempt to woo him away from Rana Sangha.
Although Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
was pleased by the release of his son he however refused to abandon his state of warfare and hostilities against Babur
, and saw the release of his son Nahir Khan as an exposed weakness of the Mughals
. Outraged by Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
's refusal to change his stance, in a politically motivated move Babur
, declared him an apostate (although there is no evidence that Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
ever abandoned Islam
). Despite his harsh declarations Babur
however was even more concerned about advance of the sheer 100,000 mainly Hindu
s, whom Babur had began to commonly refer to as the "Infidels".
, the baggage and camp followers. As in this warfare he had little reliance on the Afghan
chiefs or his Indian allies who had joined him, he sent several of them to strengthen his various garrisons. He then marched westward to Medhakur where he had previously caused wells to be dug and thence next day to Fatehpur Sikri
which from its having plenty of water he considered as a good situation for a camp but being apprehensive that the Rana who was now near at hand might attempt to occupy the ground before his arrival he marched out with his troops in order of battle ready to attack the enemy should they appear and took possession of the place which had been chosen for his encampment close by a tank. He was now joined by Mahdi Khwaja and the troops from Bayana
which he had called in. They had had some sharp encounters with the Rajputs in which they had been severely handled and taught to respect their new enemy. A party from the garrison had some days before incautiously advanced too far from the fort when the Rajputs in great force fell upon them and drove them in. All the troops that had been engaged in this affair united in bestowing unbounded praise on the gallantry and prowess of the enemy. Indeed the Chagatai
found that they had now to contend with a foe more formidable than either the Afghans
of India or any of the natives of India to whom they had yet been opposed. The Rajputs energetic chivalrous fond of battle and bloodshed animated by a strong national spirit and led on by a hero were ready to meet face to face the boldest veterans of the camp and were at all times prepared to lay down their life for their honor. A small party being sent out to get notice of their motions discovered that they were encamped at Bisawer.
Emperor Babur was accustomed to commit to his principal Baig
s in turn the charge of the advance and pickets. When it was Mir Abdul Aziz's, day that rash and impetuous youth pushed on seven or eight miles from Fatehpur Sikri
. The Rajputs hearing of this incautious forward movement dispatched to meet him a body of 4000-5000 horsemen who without hesitation charged the instant they came up. His force did not exceed a 1000-1500. Many of his men were killed others taken prisoners and carried off the field on the very first onset. The moment the news of what was going on reached the camp, Mir Mohib Ali Khalifa Emperor Babur's Grand Vizier's son and his followers were pushed forward to their assistance and there being no room for delay, numbers of separate horsemen, as fast as they were equipped, were sent off at the best of their speed while a regular detachment under Mir Muhammed Ali Khan moved forward to support them Mir Mohib Ali Khalifa who arrived first found every thing in disorder. Mir Abdul Aziz's horse tail standard taken and many excellent officers slain. Not only was he unable to turn the tide of success but was himself unhorsed though finally brought off by a desperate charge of his followers. The Emperor's troops were then pursued for about two miles and it was only the arrival of the regular detachment under Mir Muhammad Ali Khan that checked the enemy. Meanwhile when the alarm reached the camp the whole troops were called out and marshaled in battle order to meet the hostile army which was thought to be approaching. But after the imperial line had advanced a mile or two with all its artillery it was found that the enemy satisfied with their success had returned to their camp. These repeated successes of the Rajputs, the unexpected valor and good conduct they displayed and their numbers for they are said to have amounted to a 120,000 horsemen along with their Mewat allies would have been one of the largest armies Babur had ever had to face, even in modern times such a huge army would have disheartened any battle hardened soldier. Babur began to see the discouragement of his troops.
Every precaution was now taken to strengthen his position and to give his troops time to recover their spirit. At this critical juncture he received a small yet welcome reinforcement of 500 men from Kabul
. Babur decided to divert the attention of the enemy towards Mewat by sending some troops there, to ravage the territory. But the diversion did not answer his expectations.
was now in some measure heavily engaged in his camp preparing for the wars that would follow primarily with the Hindu
s, who were in possession of the open country. The uneasiness which he in consequence experienced in this state of inaction appears very naturally to have excited feelings of religious compunction in his mind. When he reviewed his past life he keenly felt that he had long and openly violated one of the strictest injunctions of his faith by the use of wine, which was a Mongol custom ever since the times of Genghis Khan
himself. Like other habitual offenders he had all along firmly resolved to give up the controversial custom at some future time but that time had been constantly deferred. He now resolved to boldly perform his vows Babur
This was a visible sign commonly adopted by such as were under the influence of a vow. Many nobles and others to the number of 300 followed the example of their sovereign. Salt
was thrown into the ample store of wine just arrived from Ghazni
all the rest found in the camp was poured upon the ground and a well was ordered to be dug and an almshouse
built on the spot to commemorate this great religious event of repentance. As a boon to his Muslim
followers and subjects he gave up the Temgha or Stamp duty
in all his dominions so far as concerned Muslims and published a Firman
to that effect on February 26.
The dejection and alarm of Babur
's troops had at this time reached their extreme point despair and woes were spreading even among his sons. He appointed Mir Mohib Ali Khalifa as his official Grand Vizier
who he says all along behaved admirably. Babur whose bold and elastic mind never gave admittance to despair but even in the lowest depths of danger turned to any gleam of hope saw that matters were fast advancing to a crisis and that some stirring and energetic measures were indispensably required. He determined to make a bold exertion to infuse a portion of his own heroic ardor into the drooping spirits of his followers and for that purpose he addressed to the religious foundations of all his Muslim
subjects regardless of their ethnic, political and sectarian differences. To encourage his Muslim subjects during their war against the Hindu
infidels, he delivered the most famous and most important speech of his life:
then quotes a couplet from Firdowsi's Shahnameh
The first Mughal Emperor Babur
also said:
Master and servant small and great all with emulation seizing the blessed Quran in their hands swore to fight to the finish. Babur
's spectacular attempt at reinvigorating his men remains to this day one of the most excellent displays in the history of military leadership.
men and all his army. He himself galloped along the line animating his troops and officers and giving them instructions how to conduct themselves in every emergency that could occur. The army having advanced a mile or two halted to encamp. As soon as the Rajputs heard that they were in motion several bodies of them galloped close up to the guns. Babur not intending to engage in a general action that day quietly finished his entrenchments and ditches and then sent out a few horsemen to skirmish with them and try the temper of his men. They took several prisoners and returned with a number of heads elevated on their spears or dangling from their saddle bow
s which had a wonderful effect in restoring the confidence of the troops.
He now threw up other trenches in a position about a mile or two farther in advance near the spot which he had pitched upon as favorable for a general engagement and when they were finished advanced to occupy them dragging forward his guns. His people having reached their ground were still busy in pitching their tents when news was brought that the enemy was in sight. All were instantly ordered to their posts. Babur mounted and drew up his troops riding cheerfully along the ranks and confidently assuring them of victory.
who had under him Kassim Husain Khan, Hindal Mirza and Khusrau Shah Kokultash the left wing he entrusted to Sayyed Mehdi Khwaja with Muhammad Zaman Mirza, Mir Abdul Aziz and Mir Muhammad Ali Khan. Babur's latest weapons were managed by two Turkish
commanders included Ustad Ali Quli was in-charge of the Cannon
batteries and Mustafa Rumi was in-charge of the Matchlock
Babur had assembled his infantry forces in a square like position the front lines were protected along by solid carriage-like wooden barriers, that were arranged together and cannon
s were immediately positioned behind the barrier. Babur's cavalry was spread out in both the left and the right and there were many gaps that would allow for his reserve forces to descend into the battlefield. Babur had also divided the command of his cavalry among many of the finest, loyal and most experienced Mughal
He appointed strong reserves
to carry out rescue efforts wherever required. On the right and left placed two flanking columns chiefly composed of Mughal
troops who formed what is called the Tulughma and were on a signal given to wheel round on the enemy's flank
and rear in the heat of battle. This arrangement he had learned to his cost in his early wars with the Uzbeks
and he had practiced it in his later wars with brilliant success. His Indian allied troops appear to have been stationed chiefly in the left. His artillery
under Ustad Ali Quli was placed in the center in front connected by chains and protected by the moveable defenses or breastworks which he had constructed, behind which were placed matchlock
men and in their rear a body of chosen troops ready either to repel any attack from behind or themselves to rush forward and charge the enemy whenever the chains that connected the guns were dropped to permit their passage. The army abounded with veteran commanders who had learned the art of war under the Emperor himself.
a Tomar
Rajput chieftain of northeast Malwa the Chief of Bhilsa is rated at 30,000 Purabiya Soldiers; Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
of Mewat
12,000; Rahul Uday Singh Nagari of Dongerpur 10,000; Madni Rao the Chief of Chanderi
10,000. The first and last of these had acted an important part in the history of Malwa. Sultan Mahmud Lodi a son of Sultan Sikander Lodi of Delhi who was acknowledged by the Afghans of the Delhi kingdom and by the Rana as the successor of his brother Ibrahim Lodi though he possessed no territory yet had with him a body of 10,000 adventurers who hoped to be liberally rewarded should fortune raise him to the throne. There were other chiefs who could command each from 4000-7000 men and all were animated by the most exalted hopes and by hatred of the common enemy. They also possessed 500 war elephants and included 7 Rajas, 9 Raos and 104 Rawals and Rawats (lesser chieftains). A more gallant army could not be put into the field.
. Bodies of the reserve were pushed on to its assistance and Mustafa Rumi who commanded one portion of the artillery
on the right of the center opened a fire upon the assailants. Still new bodies of the enemy poured on undauntedly and new detachments from the reserve
were sent to resist them. The battle was no less desperate on the left to which also it was found necessary to dispatch repeated parties from the reserve. When the battle had lasted several hours and still continued to rage, Babur sent orders to the flanking columns to wheel round and charge and he soon after ordered the guns to advance and by a simultaneous movement the household troops and cavalry
stationed behind the cannon
were ordered to gallop out on right and left of the matchlock
men in the center who also moved forward and continued their fire hastening to fling themselves with all their fury on the enemy's center. When this was observed in the wings they also advanced. These unexpected movements made at the same moment threw the enemy into confusion. Mughal cannon fire caused the elephants in the Rajput army to stampede
. Mughal cavalry archers
made repeated flanking charges from the left and right of their fortified position. These mounted archers inflicted maximum losses on Rajput ranks, as the latter were not accustomed to these tactics
, their center was shaken, the men who were displaced by the attack made in flank
on the wings and rear
were forced upon the center and crowded together. Still the gallant Rajputs were not appalled. They made repeated desperate attacks on the Emperor's center in hopes of recovering the day but were bravely and steadily received by the Mughals and swept away in great numbers. Towards evening the Rajput defeat was complete and the slaughter was consequently dreadful. The fate of the battle was decided.
Nothing remained for the Rajputs to do but to force their way through the bodies of their kinsmen and enemy that were now in their rear
and to affect a retreat
. Mughal Emperor Babur pursued them as far as their camp which was about three or four miles from his own. On reaching it he halted but detached a strong body of horse with orders to pursue the broken troops of the Rajput Confederates without halting to cut up all they met and to prevent them from re assembling. But Rana Sanga escaped. Babur later mentions his regret in not going with the detachment in pursuing the broken Rajput troops because of Rana Sanga's escape.
and Alwar. Among the slain were Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
who fell by a matchlock
shot, Rahul Uday Singh of Dongerpur, Rai Chanderbhan Chauhan, Manikchand Chauhan (later awarded Kotharia
posthumously) and many other chiefs of note. Clearly Babur's superior leadership and modern technology won the day. Babur henceforth assumed the proud title of Ghazi (Victorious Veteran of Jihad). As for Sultan Mahmud Lodi, he also fled eastwards and would again pose a challenge to Babur two years later at the Battle of Ghaghra
Since the time Babur had left Agra for this battle, insurrection and revolt appeared on every hand. The towns and forts of which with so much labor he had gained possession were fast changing masters. Raberi and Chandwar on the Yamuna
River; Koel in the Doab
and Sambhal
beyond the Ganges all of them near Agra had been retaken by the Afghans. His troops had been obliged to abandon Kanauj. Gwalior was blockaded by the Rajputs of the vicinity Alim Khan Jilal Khan Jighat of Kalpi
who was sent to relieve it instead of executing his orders had marched off to his own country. Many Hindu chiefs deserted the cause of Babur. Indeed the previous conquests and recent success of Rana Sanga a Hindu had inspired all his countrymen with hopes that a change of dynasty was about to take place and they hailed with joy the prospect of a native government. But after the battle of Khanwa, Babur sent forces to chastise the insurgents and quickly retook lost territories.
Being now disengaged of his most formidable enemies he was enabled to send a force to recover Chandwar and Raberi places not far distant from Agra of which the insurgents had made themselves masters during his operations against Rana Sanga. The consternation occasioned by his success was such that this object was affected with little difficulty and even Etawah
lower down the Yamuna which had never yet submitted to his power, was surrendered by Kutb Khan. Rana Sanga died shortly after this battle in 1527 at Baswa on Mewar's northern border.
Agra a.k.a. Akbarabad is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India, west of state capital, Lucknow and south from national capital New Delhi. With a population of 1,686,976 , it is one of the most populous cities in Uttar Pradesh and the 19th most...
on March 17, 1527. The second major battle fought in modern day India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
, by the first Mughal Emperor Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
after the Battle of Panipat (1526). As the Mughal Empire
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
expanded it faced new opponents especially in the regions around Agra
Agra a.k.a. Akbarabad is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India, west of state capital, Lucknow and south from national capital New Delhi. With a population of 1,686,976 , it is one of the most populous cities in Uttar Pradesh and the 19th most...
and inside Rajputana
Rājputāna was the pre-1949 name of the present-day Indian state of Rājasthān, the largest state of the Republic of India in terms of area. George Thomas was the first in 1800 A.D., to term this region as Rajputana...
. After defeating Ibrahim Lodi, the first Mughal Emperor Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
faced many Lodi warriors including Sikandar Lodi and his son Mahmud Lodi who rallied behind the prestigious Muslim Rajput ruler Raja Hasan Khan Mewatpatti
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
of Mewat
Mewat is a historical region of Haryana and Rajasthan states in northwestern India. The loose boundaries of Mewat are not precisely determined but generally include Mewat District of Haryana and parts of Alwar, Bharatpur, and Dholpur districts of Rajasthan...
Raja Hasan Khan Mewatpatti
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
being himself a Rajput
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
easily gained the support of Rana Sanga
Rana Sanga
-Historical Fact:Maharana Sangram Singh was the ruler of Mewar state, a region lying within the present-day Indian state of Rajasthan, a desert region, between 1509 and 1527. He was a scion of the Sisodia clan of Suryavanshi Rajputs...
a powerful Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
, together they all sought to defeat and overthrow the first Mughal Emperor Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
and his Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
The Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
s and Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
's Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...
opponents gathered a formidable army much larger and more well organized than that of the previous one that Ibrahim Lodi had gathered at the Battle of Panipat (1526).But were betrayed by the King of Malwa
Babur's grandson Akbar the Great
Akbar the Great
Akbar , also known as Shahanshah Akbar-e-Azam or Akbar the Great , was the third Mughal Emperor. He was of Timurid descent; the son of Emperor Humayun, and the grandson of the Mughal Emperor Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babur, the ruler who founded the Mughal dynasty in India...
established the city and fort of Fatehpur Sikri
Fatehpur Sikri
Fatehpur Sikri is a city and a municipal board in Agra district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Built near the much older Sikri, the historical city of Fatehabad, as it was first named, was constructed by Mughal emperor Akbar beginning in 1570...
in honor of his grandfather's victory in this battle.
In the year 1526 as BaburBabur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
and his Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
forces advanced towards Panipat
Panipat بَنِبَت is an ancient and historic city in Panipat district, Haryana state, India. It is 90 km north from Delhi and 169 km south of Chandigarh on NH-1. The three battles fought at the city were turning points in Indian history. The city is famous in India by the name of "City of...
, he received an embassy of Rajput
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
s representing Rana Sangha of Mewar
Mewar is a region of south-central Rajasthan state in western India. It includes the present-day districts of Pratapgarh, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Rajsamand, Udaipur, Dungarpur, Banswara and some of the part of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. The region was for centuries a Rajput kingdom that later...
the most powerful Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
ruler in the region. The Rajput
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
s agreed to form an alliance with the Mughals against the Lodi dynasty and advance their forces towards Agra
Agra a.k.a. Akbarabad is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India, west of state capital, Lucknow and south from national capital New Delhi. With a population of 1,686,976 , it is one of the most populous cities in Uttar Pradesh and the 19th most...
, in return Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
was to grant Kalpi
Kalpi is a city and a municipal board in Jalaun district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is on the right bank of the Yamuna.-History:...
, Dholpur
Dholpur is a city in eastern-most parts of the Rajasthan state of India. It is the administrative headquarters of Dholpur District and was formerly seat of the Dholpur princely state, before Independence....
and Biana to Rana Sangha. After Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
and the Mughals defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the Battle of Panipat, he learned that Rana Sangha had not advanced against the Lodi dynasty and therefore refused to hand over anything to the Rajput
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
Angered by the first Mughal Emperor Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
's response, Rana Sangha allied himself with Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
of Mewat
Mewat is a historical region of Haryana and Rajasthan states in northwestern India. The loose boundaries of Mewat are not precisely determined but generally include Mewat District of Haryana and parts of Alwar, Bharatpur, and Dholpur districts of Rajasthan...
a Muslim Rajput leader of the Meo
Mayo or Meo or Mewati is a prominent Muslim Rajput tribe from North-Western India. A considerable number of Meos migrated to Pakistan after independence in 1947 and now they are estimated to be over 12 million. In Pakistan, Meos have lost their distinct group identity and cultural traditions and...
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...
s. Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
had been providing support and refuge to rebels such as Sikandar Lodi and particularly Mahmud Lodi.
Raja Shiladitya, also called Silhadi was a Tomar Rajput chieftain of northeast Malwa in the early decades of 16th century India. He commanded a mercenary force of Purabiya soldiers and for that reason is himself occasionally referred to as a Purabiya Rajput by contemporary sources...
, a Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
is noted to have come forward representing Rana Sangha in an effort to negotiate with the first Mughal Emperor Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
. Rana Sangha demanded that the lands around Agra be submitted to his authority and as the negotiations concluded, Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
had realized that the overconfident and numerically superior Rana Sangha would indeed attack. On March, 1527, the Rajput
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
s had gathered an army of 100,000 strong and began to mobilize against Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
. In his memoirs Babur writes: The accursed Pagan...had annexed 200 cities in Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
territory and ensured the burning of Mosque
A mosque is a place of worship for followers of Islam. The word is likely to have entered the English language through French , from Portuguese , from Spanish , and from Berber , ultimately originating in — . The Arabic word masjid literally means a place of prostration...
s and the executions of Imam
An imam is an Islamic leadership position, often the worship leader of a mosque and the Muslim community. Similar to spiritual leaders, the imam is the one who leads Islamic worship services. More often, the community turns to the mosque imam if they have a religious question...
s and the women and children of these towns had been made captive.
This event instigated the gathering of the quarrelsome Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
s towards the command of Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
, but this time the Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
s sought no riches from their new enemies, they were now firm in their quest for revenge accompanied by a strong religious zeal. As Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
began to mobilize against the well prepared and heavily armed forces of Rana Sangha, approximately 20,000 Muslim Rajputs began a march towards Biana, under the command of Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
. Realizing his vast numerical weakness Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
withdrew most of his forces from Agra
Agra a.k.a. Akbarabad is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India, west of state capital, Lucknow and south from national capital New Delhi. With a population of 1,686,976 , it is one of the most populous cities in Uttar Pradesh and the 19th most...
, he ordered his son Humayun
Nasir ud-din Muhammad Humayun was the second Mughal Emperor who ruled present day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of northern India from 1530–1540 and again from 1555–1556. Like his father, Babur, he lost his kingdom early, but with Persian aid, he eventually regained an even larger one...
to withdraw from his expedition at Jaunpur
Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh
Jaunpur is a city and a municipal board in Jaunpur district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.Jaunpur district is located to the northwest of the district of Varanasi in the eastern part of the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. According to the 2001 census, Jaunpur district had a population...
and start gathering Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
realized that Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
the ruler of Mewat
Mewat is a historical region of Haryana and Rajasthan states in northwestern India. The loose boundaries of Mewat are not precisely determined but generally include Mewat District of Haryana and parts of Alwar, Bharatpur, and Dholpur districts of Rajasthan...
a region lying south of Delhi
Delhi , officially National Capital Territory of Delhi , is the largest metropolis by area and the second-largest by population in India, next to Mumbai. It is the eighth largest metropolis in the world by population with 16,753,265 inhabitants in the Territory at the 2011 Census...
, spread across south Haryana
Haryana is a state in India. Historically, it has been a part of the Kuru region in North India. The name Haryana is found mentioned in the 12th century AD by the apabhramsha writer Vibudh Shridhar . It is bordered by Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to the north, and by Rajasthan to the west and south...
and northeast Rajasthan could be influenced to abandon his quest alongside Rana Sangha. Although Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
was a formidable rival, by reputation he was evidently respected among native Indian Muslims and therefore Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
made an attempt to appease the Muslim Rajput ruler by releasing Naher Khan the son of Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
, who had been captured at the Battle of Panipat. Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
released Naher Khan with the traditional Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
A kaftan is a man's coat usually reaching to the ankles with long sleeves, and which buttons down the front. It can be made of wool, cashmere, silk, or cotton. It is often worn with a sash....
's of honor and with the finest Arabian horse
Arabian horse
The Arabian or Arab horse is a breed of horse that originated on the Arabian Peninsula. With a distinctive head shape and high tail carriage, the Arabian is one of the most easily recognizable horse breeds in the world. It is also one of the oldest breeds, with archaeological evidence of horses...
s in order to gain the good will of Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
and attempt to woo him away from Rana Sangha.
Although Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
was pleased by the release of his son he however refused to abandon his state of warfare and hostilities against Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
, and saw the release of his son Nahir Khan as an exposed weakness of the Mughals
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
. Outraged by Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
's refusal to change his stance, in a politically motivated move Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
, declared him an apostate (although there is no evidence that Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
ever abandoned Islam
Islam . The most common are and . : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...
). Despite his harsh declarations Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
however was even more concerned about advance of the sheer 100,000 mainly Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
s, whom Babur had began to commonly refer to as the "Infidels".
Initial skirmishes
On February 11, 1527, the Emperor Babur marched out of Agra to proceed against Rana Sanga but halted a few days near the city to collect and review his troops, and to get in order his train of artilleryArtillery
Originally applied to any group of infantry primarily armed with projectile weapons, artillery has over time become limited in meaning to refer only to those engines of war that operate by projection of munitions far beyond the range of effect of personal weapons...
, the baggage and camp followers. As in this warfare he had little reliance on the Afghan
Pashtun people
Pashtuns or Pathans , also known as ethnic Afghans , are an Eastern Iranic ethnic group with populations primarily between the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan and the Indus River in Pakistan...
chiefs or his Indian allies who had joined him, he sent several of them to strengthen his various garrisons. He then marched westward to Medhakur where he had previously caused wells to be dug and thence next day to Fatehpur Sikri
Fatehpur Sikri
Fatehpur Sikri is a city and a municipal board in Agra district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Built near the much older Sikri, the historical city of Fatehabad, as it was first named, was constructed by Mughal emperor Akbar beginning in 1570...
which from its having plenty of water he considered as a good situation for a camp but being apprehensive that the Rana who was now near at hand might attempt to occupy the ground before his arrival he marched out with his troops in order of battle ready to attack the enemy should they appear and took possession of the place which had been chosen for his encampment close by a tank. He was now joined by Mahdi Khwaja and the troops from Bayana
Bayana is a historical town in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan in India. It is a historical city founded by Banasur, who was an Asura. He lived during the time of Krishna...
which he had called in. They had had some sharp encounters with the Rajputs in which they had been severely handled and taught to respect their new enemy. A party from the garrison had some days before incautiously advanced too far from the fort when the Rajputs in great force fell upon them and drove them in. All the troops that had been engaged in this affair united in bestowing unbounded praise on the gallantry and prowess of the enemy. Indeed the Chagatai
Chagatai Khanate
The Chagatai Khanate was a Turko-Mongol khanate that comprised the lands ruled by Chagatai Khan , second son of the Great Khan Genghis Khan, and his descendents and successors...
Turkic peoples
The Turkic peoples are peoples residing in northern, central and western Asia, southern Siberia and northwestern China and parts of eastern Europe. They speak languages belonging to the Turkic language family. They share, to varying degrees, certain cultural traits and historical backgrounds...
Mongols ) are a Central-East Asian ethnic group that lives mainly in the countries of Mongolia, China, and Russia. In China, ethnic Mongols can be found mainly in the central north region of China such as Inner Mongolia...
found that they had now to contend with a foe more formidable than either the Afghans
Afghanistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located in the centre of Asia, forming South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. With a population of about 29 million, it has an area of , making it the 42nd most populous and 41st largest nation in the world...
of India or any of the natives of India to whom they had yet been opposed. The Rajputs energetic chivalrous fond of battle and bloodshed animated by a strong national spirit and led on by a hero were ready to meet face to face the boldest veterans of the camp and were at all times prepared to lay down their life for their honor. A small party being sent out to get notice of their motions discovered that they were encamped at Bisawer.
Emperor Babur was accustomed to commit to his principal Baig
- History & Origins:The name Baig originates from a Turkic clan called Barlas . They played a pivotal role in Turko-Persian empires in Central Asia, Middle East and South Asia....
s in turn the charge of the advance and pickets. When it was Mir Abdul Aziz's, day that rash and impetuous youth pushed on seven or eight miles from Fatehpur Sikri
Fatehpur Sikri
Fatehpur Sikri is a city and a municipal board in Agra district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Built near the much older Sikri, the historical city of Fatehabad, as it was first named, was constructed by Mughal emperor Akbar beginning in 1570...
. The Rajputs hearing of this incautious forward movement dispatched to meet him a body of 4000-5000 horsemen who without hesitation charged the instant they came up. His force did not exceed a 1000-1500. Many of his men were killed others taken prisoners and carried off the field on the very first onset. The moment the news of what was going on reached the camp, Mir Mohib Ali Khalifa Emperor Babur's Grand Vizier's son and his followers were pushed forward to their assistance and there being no room for delay, numbers of separate horsemen, as fast as they were equipped, were sent off at the best of their speed while a regular detachment under Mir Muhammed Ali Khan moved forward to support them Mir Mohib Ali Khalifa who arrived first found every thing in disorder. Mir Abdul Aziz's horse tail standard taken and many excellent officers slain. Not only was he unable to turn the tide of success but was himself unhorsed though finally brought off by a desperate charge of his followers. The Emperor's troops were then pursued for about two miles and it was only the arrival of the regular detachment under Mir Muhammad Ali Khan that checked the enemy. Meanwhile when the alarm reached the camp the whole troops were called out and marshaled in battle order to meet the hostile army which was thought to be approaching. But after the imperial line had advanced a mile or two with all its artillery it was found that the enemy satisfied with their success had returned to their camp. These repeated successes of the Rajputs, the unexpected valor and good conduct they displayed and their numbers for they are said to have amounted to a 120,000 horsemen along with their Mewat allies would have been one of the largest armies Babur had ever had to face, even in modern times such a huge army would have disheartened any battle hardened soldier. Babur began to see the discouragement of his troops.
Every precaution was now taken to strengthen his position and to give his troops time to recover their spirit. At this critical juncture he received a small yet welcome reinforcement of 500 men from Kabul
Kabul , spelt Caubul in some classic literatures, is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan. It is also the capital of the Kabul Province, located in the eastern section of Afghanistan...
. Babur decided to divert the attention of the enemy towards Mewat by sending some troops there, to ravage the territory. But the diversion did not answer his expectations.
Babur rallies his troops
The Mughal Emperor BaburBabur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
was now in some measure heavily engaged in his camp preparing for the wars that would follow primarily with the Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
s, who were in possession of the open country. The uneasiness which he in consequence experienced in this state of inaction appears very naturally to have excited feelings of religious compunction in his mind. When he reviewed his past life he keenly felt that he had long and openly violated one of the strictest injunctions of his faith by the use of wine, which was a Mongol custom ever since the times of Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan , born Temujin and occasionally known by his temple name Taizu , was the founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death....
himself. Like other habitual offenders he had all along firmly resolved to give up the controversial custom at some future time but that time had been constantly deferred. He now resolved to boldly perform his vows Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
This was a visible sign commonly adopted by such as were under the influence of a vow. Many nobles and others to the number of 300 followed the example of their sovereign. Salt
In chemistry, salts are ionic compounds that result from the neutralization reaction of an acid and a base. They are composed of cations and anions so that the product is electrically neutral...
was thrown into the ample store of wine just arrived from Ghazni
For the Province of Ghazni see Ghazni ProvinceGhazni is a city in central-east Afghanistan with a population of about 141,000 people...
all the rest found in the camp was poured upon the ground and a well was ordered to be dug and an almshouse
Almshouses are charitable housing provided to enable people to live in a particular community...
built on the spot to commemorate this great religious event of repentance. As a boon to his Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...
followers and subjects he gave up the Temgha or Stamp duty
Stamp duty
Stamp duty is a tax that is levied on documents. Historically, this included the majority of legal documents such as cheques, receipts, military commissions, marriage licences and land transactions. A physical stamp had to be attached to or impressed upon the document to denote that stamp duty...
in all his dominions so far as concerned Muslims and published a Firman
A firman is a royal mandate or decree issued by a sovereign in certain historical Islamic states, including the Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, State of Hyderabad, and Iran under Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. The word firman comes from the meaning "decree" or "order"...
to that effect on February 26.
The dejection and alarm of Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
's troops had at this time reached their extreme point despair and woes were spreading even among his sons. He appointed Mir Mohib Ali Khalifa as his official Grand Vizier
Grand Vizier
Grand Vizier, in Turkish Vezir-i Azam or Sadr-ı Azam , deriving from the Arabic word vizier , was the greatest minister of the Sultan, with absolute power of attorney and, in principle, dismissable only by the Sultan himself...
who he says all along behaved admirably. Babur whose bold and elastic mind never gave admittance to despair but even in the lowest depths of danger turned to any gleam of hope saw that matters were fast advancing to a crisis and that some stirring and energetic measures were indispensably required. He determined to make a bold exertion to infuse a portion of his own heroic ardor into the drooping spirits of his followers and for that purpose he addressed to the religious foundations of all his Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...
subjects regardless of their ethnic, political and sectarian differences. To encourage his Muslim subjects during their war against the Hindu
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
A Rajput is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and in some parts of Pakistan. Rajputs are descendants of one of the major ruling warrior classes in the Indian subcontinent, particularly North India...
infidels, he delivered the most famous and most important speech of his life:
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
then quotes a couplet from Firdowsi's Shahnameh
The Shahnameh or Shah-nama is a long epic poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi between c.977 and 1010 AD and is the national epic of Iran and related societies...
The first Mughal Emperor Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
also said:
Master and servant small and great all with emulation seizing the blessed Quran in their hands swore to fight to the finish. Babur
Babur was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father, and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through his mother...
's spectacular attempt at reinvigorating his men remains to this day one of the most excellent displays in the history of military leadership.
Babur's advance
With his troops now in high spirits Babur decided to advance from the entrenchments in which the army had so long been cooped up. It was on March 12, 1527 that Babur drew forward his guns and a kind of defensive cover that moved on wheels and which served as a breastwork supporting them by his matchlockMatchlock
The matchlock was the first mechanism, or "lock" invented to facilitate the firing of a hand-held firearm. This design removed the need to lower by hand a lit match into the weapon's flash pan and made it possible to have both hands free to keep a firm grip on the weapon at the moment of firing,...
men and all his army. He himself galloped along the line animating his troops and officers and giving them instructions how to conduct themselves in every emergency that could occur. The army having advanced a mile or two halted to encamp. As soon as the Rajputs heard that they were in motion several bodies of them galloped close up to the guns. Babur not intending to engage in a general action that day quietly finished his entrenchments and ditches and then sent out a few horsemen to skirmish with them and try the temper of his men. They took several prisoners and returned with a number of heads elevated on their spears or dangling from their saddle bow
Bow (weapon)
The bow and arrow is a projectile weapon system that predates recorded history and is common to most cultures.-Description:A bow is a flexible arc that shoots aerodynamic projectiles by means of elastic energy. Essentially, the bow is a form of spring powered by a string or cord...
s which had a wonderful effect in restoring the confidence of the troops.
He now threw up other trenches in a position about a mile or two farther in advance near the spot which he had pitched upon as favorable for a general engagement and when they were finished advanced to occupy them dragging forward his guns. His people having reached their ground were still busy in pitching their tents when news was brought that the enemy was in sight. All were instantly ordered to their posts. Babur mounted and drew up his troops riding cheerfully along the ranks and confidently assuring them of victory.
Battle positions of Babur
The center Babur took to himself assisted by Chin Timur Khan the right wing he committed to HumayunHumayun
Nasir ud-din Muhammad Humayun was the second Mughal Emperor who ruled present day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of northern India from 1530–1540 and again from 1555–1556. Like his father, Babur, he lost his kingdom early, but with Persian aid, he eventually regained an even larger one...
who had under him Kassim Husain Khan, Hindal Mirza and Khusrau Shah Kokultash the left wing he entrusted to Sayyed Mehdi Khwaja with Muhammad Zaman Mirza, Mir Abdul Aziz and Mir Muhammad Ali Khan. Babur's latest weapons were managed by two Turkish
Turkic peoples
The Turkic peoples are peoples residing in northern, central and western Asia, southern Siberia and northwestern China and parts of eastern Europe. They speak languages belonging to the Turkic language family. They share, to varying degrees, certain cultural traits and historical backgrounds...
commanders included Ustad Ali Quli was in-charge of the Cannon
A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellents to launch a projectile. Cannon vary in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower; different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees,...
batteries and Mustafa Rumi was in-charge of the Matchlock
The matchlock was the first mechanism, or "lock" invented to facilitate the firing of a hand-held firearm. This design removed the need to lower by hand a lit match into the weapon's flash pan and made it possible to have both hands free to keep a firm grip on the weapon at the moment of firing,...
Babur had assembled his infantry forces in a square like position the front lines were protected along by solid carriage-like wooden barriers, that were arranged together and cannon
A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellents to launch a projectile. Cannon vary in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower; different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees,...
s were immediately positioned behind the barrier. Babur's cavalry was spread out in both the left and the right and there were many gaps that would allow for his reserve forces to descend into the battlefield. Babur had also divided the command of his cavalry among many of the finest, loyal and most experienced Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
He appointed strong reserves
Military reserve
A military reserve, tactical reserve, or strategic reserve is a group of military personnel or units which are initially not committed to a battle by their commander so that they are available to address unforeseen situations or exploit suddenly developing...
to carry out rescue efforts wherever required. On the right and left placed two flanking columns chiefly composed of Mughal
Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire , or Mogul Empire in traditional English usage, was an imperial power from the Indian Subcontinent. The Mughal emperors were descendants of the Timurids...
troops who formed what is called the Tulughma and were on a signal given to wheel round on the enemy's flank
Flanking maneuver
In military tactics, a flanking maneuver, also called a flank attack, is an attack on the sides of an opposing force. If a flanking maneuver succeeds, the opposing force would be surrounded from two or more directions, which significantly reduces the maneuverability of the outflanked force and its...
and rear in the heat of battle. This arrangement he had learned to his cost in his early wars with the Uzbeks
The Uzbeks are a Turkic ethnic group in Central Asia. They comprise the majority population of Uzbekistan, and large populations can also be found in Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Pakistan, Mongolia and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China...
and he had practiced it in his later wars with brilliant success. His Indian allied troops appear to have been stationed chiefly in the left. His artillery
Originally applied to any group of infantry primarily armed with projectile weapons, artillery has over time become limited in meaning to refer only to those engines of war that operate by projection of munitions far beyond the range of effect of personal weapons...
under Ustad Ali Quli was placed in the center in front connected by chains and protected by the moveable defenses or breastworks which he had constructed, behind which were placed matchlock
The matchlock was the first mechanism, or "lock" invented to facilitate the firing of a hand-held firearm. This design removed the need to lower by hand a lit match into the weapon's flash pan and made it possible to have both hands free to keep a firm grip on the weapon at the moment of firing,...
men and in their rear a body of chosen troops ready either to repel any attack from behind or themselves to rush forward and charge the enemy whenever the chains that connected the guns were dropped to permit their passage. The army abounded with veteran commanders who had learned the art of war under the Emperor himself.
Battle positions of Rana Sanga
In the Rajput army the commanders under Rana Sanga were generally great chieftains who from their territorial possessions could bring a large force into the field. Thus SilhadiSilhadi
Raja Shiladitya, also called Silhadi was a Tomar Rajput chieftain of northeast Malwa in the early decades of 16th century India. He commanded a mercenary force of Purabiya soldiers and for that reason is himself occasionally referred to as a Purabiya Rajput by contemporary sources...
a Tomar
Tomar Municipality has a total area of 351.0 km² and a total population of 43,007 inhabitants.The municipality is composed of 16 parishes, and is located in Santarém District...
Rajput chieftain of northeast Malwa the Chief of Bhilsa is rated at 30,000 Purabiya Soldiers; Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
of Mewat
Mewat is a historical region of Haryana and Rajasthan states in northwestern India. The loose boundaries of Mewat are not precisely determined but generally include Mewat District of Haryana and parts of Alwar, Bharatpur, and Dholpur districts of Rajasthan...
12,000; Rahul Uday Singh Nagari of Dongerpur 10,000; Madni Rao the Chief of Chanderi
Chanderi चंदेरी شندرئ is a town of historical importance in Ashoknagar District of Madhya Pradesh state in India. It is situated at a distance of 127 km from Shivpuri,37 km from Lalitpur,55 km from Ashok Nagar and about 45 km from Esagarh It is surrounded by hills southwest of...
10,000. The first and last of these had acted an important part in the history of Malwa. Sultan Mahmud Lodi a son of Sultan Sikander Lodi of Delhi who was acknowledged by the Afghans of the Delhi kingdom and by the Rana as the successor of his brother Ibrahim Lodi though he possessed no territory yet had with him a body of 10,000 adventurers who hoped to be liberally rewarded should fortune raise him to the throne. There were other chiefs who could command each from 4000-7000 men and all were animated by the most exalted hopes and by hatred of the common enemy. They also possessed 500 war elephants and included 7 Rajas, 9 Raos and 104 Rawals and Rawats (lesser chieftains). A more gallant army could not be put into the field.
The battle
Khanwa is about 60 km west of Agra. Here the epic battle between the Muslim Mughals and the Hindu Rajputs would play out. The battle began about 9:30 in the morning by a desperate charge made by the Rajputs on Babur's rightRight
Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory...
. Bodies of the reserve were pushed on to its assistance and Mustafa Rumi who commanded one portion of the artillery
Originally applied to any group of infantry primarily armed with projectile weapons, artillery has over time become limited in meaning to refer only to those engines of war that operate by projection of munitions far beyond the range of effect of personal weapons...
on the right of the center opened a fire upon the assailants. Still new bodies of the enemy poured on undauntedly and new detachments from the reserve
Military reserve
A military reserve, tactical reserve, or strategic reserve is a group of military personnel or units which are initially not committed to a battle by their commander so that they are available to address unforeseen situations or exploit suddenly developing...
were sent to resist them. The battle was no less desperate on the left to which also it was found necessary to dispatch repeated parties from the reserve. When the battle had lasted several hours and still continued to rage, Babur sent orders to the flanking columns to wheel round and charge and he soon after ordered the guns to advance and by a simultaneous movement the household troops and cavalry
Cavalry or horsemen were soldiers or warriors who fought mounted on horseback. Cavalry were historically the third oldest and the most mobile of the combat arms...
stationed behind the cannon
A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellents to launch a projectile. Cannon vary in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower; different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees,...
were ordered to gallop out on right and left of the matchlock
The matchlock was the first mechanism, or "lock" invented to facilitate the firing of a hand-held firearm. This design removed the need to lower by hand a lit match into the weapon's flash pan and made it possible to have both hands free to keep a firm grip on the weapon at the moment of firing,...
men in the center who also moved forward and continued their fire hastening to fling themselves with all their fury on the enemy's center. When this was observed in the wings they also advanced. These unexpected movements made at the same moment threw the enemy into confusion. Mughal cannon fire caused the elephants in the Rajput army to stampede
A stampede is an act of mass impulse among herd animals or a crowd of people in which the herd collectively begins running with no clear direction or purpose....
. Mughal cavalry archers
Mounted archery
A horse archer, horsed archer, or mounted archer is a cavalryman armed with a bow, able to shoot while riding from horseback. Archery has occasionally been used from the backs of other riding animals...
made repeated flanking charges from the left and right of their fortified position. These mounted archers inflicted maximum losses on Rajput ranks, as the latter were not accustomed to these tactics
Military tactics
Military tactics, the science and art of organizing an army or an air force, are the techniques for using weapons or military units in combination for engaging and defeating an enemy in battle. Changes in philosophy and technology over time have been reflected in changes to military tactics. In...
, their center was shaken, the men who were displaced by the attack made in flank
Flanking maneuver
In military tactics, a flanking maneuver, also called a flank attack, is an attack on the sides of an opposing force. If a flanking maneuver succeeds, the opposing force would be surrounded from two or more directions, which significantly reduces the maneuverability of the outflanked force and its...
on the wings and rear
Rear (military)
In military parlance, the rear is the part of concentration of military forces that is farthest from the enemy . The rear typically contains all elements of the force necessary to support combat forces - food, medical supplies and substantial shelters, planners and command headquarters....
were forced upon the center and crowded together. Still the gallant Rajputs were not appalled. They made repeated desperate attacks on the Emperor's center in hopes of recovering the day but were bravely and steadily received by the Mughals and swept away in great numbers. Towards evening the Rajput defeat was complete and the slaughter was consequently dreadful. The fate of the battle was decided.
Nothing remained for the Rajputs to do but to force their way through the bodies of their kinsmen and enemy that were now in their rear
Rear (military)
In military parlance, the rear is the part of concentration of military forces that is farthest from the enemy . The rear typically contains all elements of the force necessary to support combat forces - food, medical supplies and substantial shelters, planners and command headquarters....
and to affect a retreat
Withdrawal (military)
A withdrawal is a type of military operation, generally meaning retreating forces back while maintaining contact with the enemy. A withdrawal may be undertaken as part of a general retreat, to consolidate forces, to occupy ground that is more easily defended, or to lead the enemy into an ambush...
. Mughal Emperor Babur pursued them as far as their camp which was about three or four miles from his own. On reaching it he halted but detached a strong body of horse with orders to pursue the broken troops of the Rajput Confederates without halting to cut up all they met and to prevent them from re assembling. But Rana Sanga escaped. Babur later mentions his regret in not going with the detachment in pursuing the broken Rajput troops because of Rana Sanga's escape.
No victory could be more complete. The enemy were quite broken and dispersed. The whole fields around were strewed with the dead as well as the roads to BayanaBayana
Bayana is a historical town in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan in India. It is a historical city founded by Banasur, who was an Asura. He lived during the time of Krishna...
and Alwar. Among the slain were Raja Hasan Khan Mewattpati
Hasan Khan Mewati
Raja Hasan Khan, Raja Hasan Khan Mewati, Raja Hasan, Hasan Khan, Hasan Mewati, , was an ambitious Meo Rajput Muslim ruler of Mewat. His dynasty had ruled Mewat for nearly 200 years it is believed that his ancestor converted to Islam when requested by Firuz Shah Tughlaq in the year 1376...
who fell by a matchlock
The matchlock was the first mechanism, or "lock" invented to facilitate the firing of a hand-held firearm. This design removed the need to lower by hand a lit match into the weapon's flash pan and made it possible to have both hands free to keep a firm grip on the weapon at the moment of firing,...
shot, Rahul Uday Singh of Dongerpur, Rai Chanderbhan Chauhan, Manikchand Chauhan (later awarded Kotharia
Kotharia, Rajasthan
Kotharia is a town in Rajsamand district of Rajasthan, which was the headquarters of the former 1st class jagir of the House of Kotharia, part of the Udaipur state, which was in Mewar Residency in Rajputana Agency....
In historic India, a jagir was a small territory granted by the ruler to an army chieftain in fairly short terms usually of three years but not extending beyond his lifetime, in recognition of his military service...
posthumously) and many other chiefs of note. Clearly Babur's superior leadership and modern technology won the day. Babur henceforth assumed the proud title of Ghazi (Victorious Veteran of Jihad). As for Sultan Mahmud Lodi, he also fled eastwards and would again pose a challenge to Babur two years later at the Battle of Ghaghra
Battle of Ghaghra
The Battle of Ghaghra, fought in 1529, was the last major battle for the conquest of India by the Mughal Empire. It followed the first Battle of Panipat in 1526 and the Battle of Khanwa in 1527...
Since the time Babur had left Agra for this battle, insurrection and revolt appeared on every hand. The towns and forts of which with so much labor he had gained possession were fast changing masters. Raberi and Chandwar on the Yamuna
The Yamuna is the largest tributary river of the Ganges in northern India...
River; Koel in the Doab
A Doab is a term used in India and Pakistan for a "tongue" or tract of land lying between two confluent rivers...
and Sambhal
Sambhal is a town and tehsil and headquarters of Bhimnagar district in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Sambhal is an ancient settlement that was also important during the period of Muslim rule and was one of Sikandar Lodi ’s provincial capitals in the late 15th and early 16th...
beyond the Ganges all of them near Agra had been retaken by the Afghans. His troops had been obliged to abandon Kanauj. Gwalior was blockaded by the Rajputs of the vicinity Alim Khan Jilal Khan Jighat of Kalpi
Kalpi is a city and a municipal board in Jalaun district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is on the right bank of the Yamuna.-History:...
who was sent to relieve it instead of executing his orders had marched off to his own country. Many Hindu chiefs deserted the cause of Babur. Indeed the previous conquests and recent success of Rana Sanga a Hindu had inspired all his countrymen with hopes that a change of dynasty was about to take place and they hailed with joy the prospect of a native government. But after the battle of Khanwa, Babur sent forces to chastise the insurgents and quickly retook lost territories.
Being now disengaged of his most formidable enemies he was enabled to send a force to recover Chandwar and Raberi places not far distant from Agra of which the insurgents had made themselves masters during his operations against Rana Sanga. The consternation occasioned by his success was such that this object was affected with little difficulty and even Etawah
Etawah is a city on the Yamuna River in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. It is the administrative headquarters of Etawah District. The city was an important center for the Revolt of 1857 . Also is the place of sangam or confluence between Yamuna and Chambal...
lower down the Yamuna which had never yet submitted to his power, was surrendered by Kutb Khan. Rana Sanga died shortly after this battle in 1527 at Baswa on Mewar's northern border.