Bulgarian identity card
The Bulgarian identity card (Bulgarian
Bulgarian language
Bulgarian is an Indo-European language, a member of the Slavic linguistic group.Bulgarian, along with the closely related Macedonian language, demonstrates several linguistic characteristics that set it apart from all other Slavic languages such as the elimination of case declension, the...

: Лична карта, Lichna karta) is a compulsory identity document
Identity document
An identity document is any document which may be used to verify aspects of a person's personal identity. If issued in the form of a small, mostly standard-sized card, it is usually called an identity card...

 issued in Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...

. The document is issued by the police on behalf of the Ministry of Interior and is the main form of identification on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. All Bulgarians are obliged by law to carry their identity cards with them at all times and are subject to fines should they not.

Since January 1, 2007, the Bulgarian identity card can be used to travel within the European Union
European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 independent member states which are located primarily in Europe. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community , formed by six countries in 1958...



Bulgarian identity card лична карта in Cyrillic alphabet (or "lichna karta" in Latin transliteration) is first issued and is compulsory after turning the age of 14. The new Bulgarian ID cards were introduced in 1999. They follow the general pattern in the EU and replaced the old, Soviet-style "internal passport
Internal passport
An internal passport is an identity document used in some countries to control the internal movement and residence of its people. Countries that currently have internal passports include Russia, Ukraine, China and North Korea...

s", also known as "green passports". It is worth mentioning that during the socialism period (1945–1989), to receive an "international passport
International passport
In some countries, the international passport or passport for travel abroad is a second passport, in addition to the internal passport, required for a citizen to travel abroad within the country of residence....

", especially one allowing to travel to a Western country, was considered an achievement. Not all Bulgarian citizens had the right to travel abroad, and those who travelled outside the Soviet bloc underwent strict investigation for possible links with political enemies of the regime. Since 29 March 2010 new Bulgarian identity cards were introduced with embedded chip with personal data.

Physical appearance

The physical appearance of the Bulgarian identity card is similar to that of a credit card
Credit card
A credit card is a small plastic card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows its holder to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services...

, the identity card is plastic and rectangular in shape. On the left side is the photograph of the bearer. On the top edge of the card, the name Republic of Bulgaria is available in two languages, Bulgarian
Bulgarian language
Bulgarian is an Indo-European language, a member of the Slavic linguistic group.Bulgarian, along with the closely related Macedonian language, demonstrates several linguistic characteristics that set it apart from all other Slavic languages such as the elimination of case declension, the...

 (Cyillic) and English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

, written with big letters, below, the name of the card is available in the same two languages and also written with big letters. The middle part of the flag of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Bulgaria are also displayed on the identity card.

Furthermore, the following information is contained on the front side of the card:
  • The unique 9-digit ID number of the card
  • The cardholder’s full name, sex, and date of birth
  • The cardholder’s uniform civil number
    Uniform civil number
    The uniform civil number is a 10-digit unique number assigned to each Bulgarian citizen or resident foreign national. It serves as a national identification number. An EGN is assigned to Bulgarians at birth, or when a birth certificate is issued...

     (Bulgarian: единнен граждански номер; abbreviated ЕГН, EGN): a unique 10-digit number that serves as national identification number
  • Date of expiry of the card
  • Cardholder’s signature

The back side of the identity card contains the cardholder’s family name, place of birth, permanent address, height, and eye color, as well as the place where the card was issued together with the date of issue. At the bottom there is string of letters and numbers that is consistent with and representative of the rest of the information on the card.

Obtaining an Identity Card

In order to be issued an identity card, one needs to fill in a form, which should be taken to the in the Identity Documents and Passport Regime Units with the District Police Stations. The forms could be obtained at all District Police Stations. Together with the completed application, the person should also supply two recent photographs (taken in the last six months) as well as a copy of passport. When applying for the first time, a copy of the birth certificate should also be provided.

For people ages 14 to 18 years, the identity cards are valid for four years, while citizens ages 18–58 are issued cards with 10-year validity; citizens over 58 years old are issued identity cards with no expiration date.

See also

  • Citizenship of the European Union
    Citizenship of the European Union
    Citizenship of the European Union was introduced by the Maastricht Treaty . European citizenship is supplementary to national citizenship and affords rights such as the right to vote in European elections, the right to free movement and the right to consular protection from other EU states'...

  • Bulgarian passport
    Bulgarian passport
    The Bulgarian passport is an international travel document issued to nationals of Bulgaria, and may also serve as proof of Bulgarian citizenship...

  • Bulgarian nationality law
    Bulgarian nationality law
    right|200pxBulgarian nationality law is governed by the Constitution of Bulgaria of 1991 and the citizenship law of 1999 ....

  • Uniform civil number
    Uniform civil number
    The uniform civil number is a 10-digit unique number assigned to each Bulgarian citizen or resident foreign national. It serves as a national identification number. An EGN is assigned to Bulgarians at birth, or when a birth certificate is issued...

  • Driving licence in Bulgaria
    Driving licence in Bulgaria
    In Bulgaria the driving licence is a governmental right given to those who request a licence for any of the categories they desire. It is required for every type of motorized vehicle...

  • Visa requirements for Bulgarian citizens
    Visa requirements for Bulgarian citizens
    Visa requirements for Bulgarian citizens are as follows:-Europe:-Africa:-Americas:-Asia:-Oceania:† Passport not required — a valid Bulgarian identity card is sufficient. 1 Visa issued at point of entry. 2 $10 Tourist card required...

  • Visa policy of Bulgaria
  • List of identity card policies by country
  • An application on the Ministry of the Interior’s website that checks identification card numbers for validity

External links

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