Chief of the Military Staff of the President of the Republic
The Chief of the Military Staff of the President of the Republic (Chef d'état-major particulier du président de la République) is a role in the military
Military of France
The French Armed Forces encompass the French Army, the French Navy, the French Air Force and the National Gendarmerie. The President of the Republic heads the armed forces, with the title "chef des armées" . The President is the supreme authority for military matters and is the sole official who...

 and government
Government of France
The government of the French Republic is a semi-presidential system determined by the French Constitution of the fifth Republic. The nation declares itself to be an "indivisible, secular, democratic, and social Republic"...

 of France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

, heading the president's military staff until the French Fifth Republic
French Fifth Republic
The Fifth Republic is the fifth and current republican constitution of France, introduced on 4 October 1958. The Fifth Republic emerged from the collapse of the French Fourth Republic, replacing the prior parliamentary government with a semi-presidential system...


Heads of the president's military household (1879-1940)

The President's 'military household' (maison militaire) was formed by president Mac-Mahon but not insititutionalised until 1880. This group of officers advised the president on army matters, especially (under the French Third Republic
French Third Republic
The French Third Republic was the republican government of France from 1870, when the Second French Empire collapsed due to the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, to 1940, when France was overrun by Nazi Germany during World War II, resulting in the German and Italian occupations of France...

) matters of ceremony. Such an allocation was useful since it allowed its officers to nourish political contacts in Paris who could aid their army careers.
  • 1879-1886 : général de division François Pittié
  • 1886-1892 : général de brigade, then de division Henri Brugère
  • 1892-1894 : général de brigade, then de division Léon Borius
  • 1894-1895 : général de brigade Ulysse Berruyer
  • 1895-1897 : général de brigade Charles Tournier
  • 1897-1898 : général de brigade Alexis Hagron
  • 1898-1900 : général de brigade Maurice Bailloud
  • 1900-1906 : général de brigade, then de division Émile Dubois
  • 1906-1907 : colonel
    Colonel , abbreviated Col or COL, is a military rank of a senior commissioned officer. It or a corresponding rank exists in most armies and in many air forces; the naval equivalent rank is generally "Captain". It is also used in some police forces and other paramilitary rank structures...

     Charles Ebener
  • 1908-1911 : capitaine de vaisseau Alexandre Laugier
  • 1911-1913 : capitaine de vaisseau Marcel Grandclément
  • 1913-1914 : général de division Antoine Beaudemoulin
  • 1919-1920 : général de division Jean-Baptiste Pénelon
  • 1920-1924 : général de division Henri Lasson
  • 1931-1940 : général de corps d'armée
    Général de corps d'armée
    A Général de corps d'armée is a senior rank in the French Army.The rank is the equivalent of a Lieutenant General in other countries and is junior to the rank of Général d'armée and senior to Général de division...

     Joseph Braconnier

President's chief of staff

The 'chef d’état-major particulier' (CEMP) was the main military collaborator to the chief of staff, who headed the military overall, acting as an interface with him and playing a vital role in putting into practice nuclear deterrence. The last three CEMPs have gone on to be chef d’état-major des armées.
  • général
    Général is the French word for General.In France, Army generals are named after the type of unit they command. In ascending order there are two ranks :* Général de brigade : Brigade General.* Général de division : Divisional General....

     Henri Grout de Beaufort : January 1959 - 1960
  • général
    Général is the French word for General.In France, Army generals are named after the type of unit they command. In ascending order there are two ranks :* Général de brigade : Brigade General.* Général de division : Divisional General....

     Louis Dodelier : 1961 - 1963

  • général de division André Lalande : 1967 - 1969
  • général
    Général is the French word for General.In France, Army generals are named after the type of unit they command. In ascending order there are two ranks :* Général de brigade : Brigade General.* Général de division : Divisional General....

     Jean Deguil : 1969 - 1971
  • général d'armée Michel Thénoz : 1972 - 1974
  • général d'armée Guy Méry : June 1974 - July 1975
  • général d'armée Claude Vanbremeersch : July 1975 - 1979
  • général
    Général is the French word for General.In France, Army generals are named after the type of unit they command. In ascending order there are two ranks :* Général de brigade : Brigade General.* Général de division : Divisional General....

     Bertrand de Montaüdouin : 1979 - 1981
  • général d'armée aérienne Jean-Michel Saulnier : 1981 - 1985
  • général
    Général is the French word for General.In France, Army generals are named after the type of unit they command. In ascending order there are two ranks :* Général de brigade : Brigade General.* Général de division : Divisional General....

     Gilbert Forray : 1985 - July 1987
  • général
    Général is the French word for General.In France, Army generals are named after the type of unit they command. In ascending order there are two ranks :* Général de brigade : Brigade General.* Général de division : Divisional General....

     Jean Fleury : 31 July 1987 - April 1989
  • amiral Jacques Lanxade
    Jacques Lanxade
    Jacques Lanxade is a French admiral and former navy chief, and co-author of a recent proposed reform of NATO. He was a private chief of staff of François Mitterrand, President of the French Republic, from 1989 to 1991, and became chief of defense of the French Armed Forces from 1991 to 1995...

     : April 1989 - 23 April 1991
  • général de division Christian Quesnot : 24 April 1991 - 7 September 1995
  • vice-amiral Jean-Luc Delaunay : 8 September 1995 - 29 April 1999
  • général de division Henri Bentégeat
    Henri Bentégeat
    Henri Bentégeat is a French Army general who served as the chairman of the European Union Military Committee between 2006 and 2009 .- Biography :...

     : 30 April 1999 - 24 October 2002
  • général d'armée Jean-Louis Georgelin
    Jean-Louis Georgelin
    Jean-Louis Georgelin is an Army General . Great Chancellor of the French national order of the Legion of honnor from the 9 June 2010...

     : 25 October 2002 - 3 October 2006
  • vice-amiral d'escadre Édouard Guillaud
    Édouard Guillaud
    Admiral Édouard Guillaud is a French Navy officer and admiral. He has devoted a significant part of his career to the design of the Charles De Gaulle, and eventually captained her. He currently serves as Chief of the Defence Staff...

    : since 4 October 2006, renewed 16 May 2007

Sources and references

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.