Conocybe tenera
Conocybe tenera is a widely distributed member of the genus Conocybe
The genus Conocybe is a genus of mushrooms consisting of Conocybe tenera and at least 243 other species, with at least 50 species in North America....

. This mushroom is the type species
Type species
In biological nomenclature, a type species is both a concept and a practical system which is used in the classification and nomenclature of animals and plants. The value of a "type species" lies in the fact that it makes clear what is meant by a particular genus name. A type species is the species...

 for the genus Conocybe
The genus Conocybe is a genus of mushrooms consisting of Conocybe tenera and at least 243 other species, with at least 50 species in North America....



Conocybe tenera is a small saprotrophic mushroom
A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on soil or on its food source. The standard for the name "mushroom" is the cultivated white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus; hence the word "mushroom" is most often applied to those fungi that...

 with a conic to convex cap and is smooth and colored cinnamon brown. It is usually less than 2 cm across and is striate almost to the center. The gills are adnate and colored pale brown, darkening in age. The spores are yellowish brown, smooth and ellipsoid with a germ pore
Germ pore
A germ pore is a small pore in the outer wall of a fungal spore through which the germ tube exits upon germination. It can be apical or eccentric in its location, and, on light microscopy, may be visualized as a lighter coloured area on the cell wall....

, measuring 12 x 6 micrometres. The stem is 3 to 9 cm long, 1.5 mm thick, and is equal width for the whole length, sometimes with some swelling at the base. It lacks an annulus
Annulus (mycology)
An annulus is the ring like structure sometimes found on the stipe of some species of mushrooms. The annulus represents the remaining part of the partial veil, after it has ruptured to expose the gills or other spore-producing surface. An annulus may be thick and membranous, or it may be cobweb-like...

 (ring), is hollow and pruinose near the top.
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