Firefly Brigade
The Firefly Brigade is a Philippines
The Philippines , officially known as the Republic of the Philippines , is a country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. To its north across the Luzon Strait lies Taiwan. West across the South China Sea sits Vietnam...

 citizen's action group
Action group
In sociology and anthropology, an action group or task group is a group of people joined temporarily to accomplish some task or take part in some organized collective action....

 formed in 1999 to work for clean air and a habitable, people-friendly environment in our cities.

The fireflies have fled the city because they could not stand its dirty air. All of us cyclists, pedestrians, commuters, even those who ride cars who live, work and raise families in the city may suffer the same fate. We continue to dirty our city's air with polluting vehicles and factories. As a result, we also risk disappearing like the fireflies.

Why resign ourselves to this fate? We have a choice. We can fight for clean air and bring the fireflies back.

Tour of the Fireflies

The group organizes an annual cycling caravan known as the Tour of the Fireflies. The tour attracts bikers from all walks of life and of all ages for a treat of a bike tour around the cities of Metro Manila; still to promote cycling as an environment friendly and healthy form of transportation around the cities.
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