For Aosta Valley
For Aosta Valley was a social-liberal
Social liberalism
Social liberalism is the belief that liberalism should include social justice. It differs from classical liberalism in that it believes the legitimate role of the state includes addressing economic and social issues such as unemployment, health care, and education while simultaneously expanding...

 and Christian-leftist
Christian left
The Christian left is a term originating in the United States, used to describe a spectrum of left-wing Christian political and social movements which largely embraces social justice....

 Italian political party active in Aosta Valley.

It was founded in 1993 by Cesare Dujany, former leader of the Popular Democrats
Popular Democrats
The Popular Democrats was a Christian-leftist Italian political party active in the Aosta Valley of Italy. Its leading members included Cesare Dujany, Maurizio Martin and Angelo Pollicini....

, and Ilario Lanivi
Ilario Lanivi
Ilario Lanivi is an Italian politician from the Aosta Valley who has been highly involved in the formation of a number of political parties. He started his political career with the Christian Democrats...

, leader of the Independent Autonomists
Independent Autonomists
The Independent Autonomists was a social-liberal Italian political party active in Aosta Valley.It was founded in March 1991 by Ilario Lanivi, ex-leading member of the Autonomists Democrats Progressives, and Amato Maquignaz...

. In the 1993 regional election the party won 4.3% of the vote and got elected two regional deputies. In 1998 PVdA merged into the Autonomists
The Autonomists was a Christian-democratic Italian political party active in Aosta Valley.It was founded in 1997 by the union of the regional Italian People's Party with For Aosta Valley and some former Socialists. In the 1998 regional election Autonomists won 12.8% and five regional deputies...


In the 1994 general election
Italian general election, 1994
An early national general election was held in Italy on March 27, 1994 to elect members of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right alliance won handily the election for the Chamber and only narrowly lost that for the Senate....

 Dujany was re-elected to the Italian Senate
Italian Senate
The Senate of the Republic is the upper house of the Italian Parliament. It was established in its current form on 8 May 1948, but previously existed during the Kingdom of Italy as Senato del Regno , itself a continuation of the Senato Subalpino of Sardinia-Piedmont established on 8 May 1848...

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