Geralyn Wolf
Geralyn Wolf is the twelfth diocesan bishop
Diocesan bishop
A diocesan bishop — in general — is a bishop in charge of a diocese. These are to be distinguished from suffragan bishops, assistant bishops, coadjutor bishops, auxiliary bishops, metropolitans, and primates....

 of the Diocese of Rhode Island
Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island
The Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island is a diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, encompassing the state of Rhode Island. It is one of seven New England dioceses that make up Province 1....

 in the Episcopal Church. Wolf was consecrated as bishop on 17 February 1996.

Wolf is a native of West Chester, Pennsylvania
West Chester, Pennsylvania
The Borough of West Chester is the county seat of Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 18,461 at the 2010 census.Valley Forge, the Brandywine Battlefield, Longwood Gardens, Marsh Creek State Park, and other historical attractions are near West Chester...

 and was raised Jewish before becoming a Christian around 1971. She graduated from West Chester University in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science. She also holds a Master of Arts in education from Trenton State College which she received in 1971. At Episcopal Divinity School
Episcopal Divinity School
The Episcopal Divinity School is a seminary of the Episcopal Church based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Known throughout the Anglican Communion for prophetic teaching and action on issues of civil rights and social justice, its faculty and students have been directly involved in many of the social...

 in 1977 she earned a Master of Divinity.

She was ordained to the diaconate in 1977, and to the priesthood in 1978, in the Diocese of Pennsylvania.

Prior to her election she was, from 1986 to 1995, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in the Diocese of Kentucky
Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky
The Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky is a diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, encompassing the western half of the state of Kentucky. The diocese, which originally comprised all of Kentucky, consecrated its first bishop, the Rt. Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith, in 1832...

, the first woman dean of a cathedral.

Wolf serves on several national committees and is the Liturgist for the House of Bishops. She is an associate of the Society of St. Margaret, a Companion of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd
Oratory of the Good Shepherd
The Oratory of the Good Shepherd is a dispersed international community of Anglicans, ordained and lay, bound by a common rule of celibate chastity, responsible spending, and direction of life.The OGS Rule calls members of the Oratory to daily Communion, Private Prayer, and the Office...

, an ecumenical oblate of Mount Saviour Monastery in Elmira, NY, and has visited and worked with the Taizé Community in France. She is the author of several published anthems and articles and creates whimsical figures that are made out of wood.

Wolf falls on the mainstream to progressive side of Episcopal Church politics and in 2003 supported the consecration of gay bishop Gene Robinson
Gene Robinson
Vicki Gene Robinson is the ninth bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Robinson was elected bishop in 2003 and entered office in March 2004...


In 2007 Wolf married Thomas Charles Bair Jr.

See also

  • List of succession of bishops for the Episcopal Church, USA
    Succession of Bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States
    This list consists of the bishops in the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, an independent province of the Anglican Communion. This shows the historic succession of the episcopate within this denomination.-Key to chart:...

External links

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