Help the Needy (disambiguation)
There are multiple organizations named Help the Needy, or some variation thereof:
  • Help the Needy Charitable Trust
    Help the Needy Charitable Trust
    Help The Needy Charitable Trust is a United Kingdom charity registered with the Charity Commission since 1996 [1,2].HTN is also registered with the authorities in Iraq, and is formally recognised in Jordan & Qatar. Additionally, HTN is a member of the IBH Geneva...

    , a UK registered charity specifically working for the Iraqi people.
  • Help the Needy Foundation, a Bulgarian organization that granted Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard
    L. Ron Hubbard
    Lafayette Ronald Hubbard , better known as L. Ron Hubbard , was an American pulp fiction author and religious leader who founded the Church of Scientology...

     a posthumous humanitarian award.
  • Help the Needy
    Help the Needy
    Help the Needy was a charity front set up by Rome, New York oncologist, Rafil Dhafir. Help the Needy was a charity front set up by Rome, New York oncologist, Rafil Dhafir. Help the Needy was a charity front set up by Rome, New York oncologist, Rafil Dhafir. (Not to be confused with other...

    , an unregistered charity, based in Syracuse, New York, whose directors were convicted of violating the sanctions against sending funds to Iraq.
  • Help the Needy Endowment -- see Help the Needy
    Help the Needy
    Help the Needy was a charity front set up by Rome, New York oncologist, Rafil Dhafir. Help the Needy was a charity front set up by Rome, New York oncologist, Rafil Dhafir. Help the Needy was a charity front set up by Rome, New York oncologist, Rafil Dhafir. (Not to be confused with other...

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