, son of Zeus
(the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Jupiter
), and the mortal Alcmene
. Early Roman sources suggest that the imported Greek hero supplanted a mythic Italic shepherd called "Recaranus" or "Garanus", famous for his strength who dedicated the Ara Maxima
that became associated with the earliest Roman cult of Hercules. While adopting much of the Greek Heracles' iconography and mythology as his own, Hercules adopted a number of myths and characteristics that were distinctly Roman.
Wow. What a day. First that restaurant by the bay. And then that, that play, that, that, that Oedipus thing. Man! I thought I had problems.
But, Father, I've defeated every single monster I've come up against. I-I'm... I'm the most famous person in all of Greece. I'm... I-I'm an action figure!
[about Hercules] He comes on with his big, innocent farm boy routine, but I could see through that in a Peloponnesian minute.
You know how men are. They think "No" means "Yes" and "Get lost" means "Take me. I'm yours."
Thanks for everything, Herc. It's been a real slice.
[while Hercules stutters for an answer] Are you always this articulate?
Bye-bye, Wonderboy.
I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.
Megara. My friends call me Meg. At least they would if I had any friends. So did they give you a name along with all those rippling pectorals?