In Your Blood
In Your Blood is Cadaveria
The extreme metal band Cadaveria was born in April 2001, forged by the erstwhile Opera IX personnel Cadaveria and Flegias, , the latter reverting back to his real name. The band signed to Scarlet Records for the opening 2002 album The Shadows' Madame...

's third full length album, and was released May 21, 2007 worldwide by Season of Mist
Season of Mist
Season of Mist is a record label and record distributor with subsidiaries in France and the United States. The record label was founded in 1996 by Michael S. Berberian in Marseille, France. From the start releasing black metal, pagan metal and death metal records, the label moved on to releasing...

. USA and Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

release date was a day later May 22, 2007.

Track listing

External links

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