Joan Rossell
Joan Rossell was a Catalan composer. He was maestro de capilla at the Cathedral of Toledo
Cathedral of Toledo
The Primate Cathedral of Saint Mary of Toledo is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Toledo, Spain, seat of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Toledo....

, where he was succeeded by another Catalan, Francesc Juncà (1742–1833).

Works, editions, recordings

  • Third Lamentation for Holy Thursday. With works by Francisco Valls
    Francisco Valls
    Francisco Valls was a Spanish composer, theorist and maestro de capilla. Among his most known works are the mass Missa Scala Aretina and tract Mapa Armónico Práctico.-Life:...

    , Tomàs Milans
    Tomàs Milans
    Tomàs Milans was a Spanish composer. During the War of the Spanish Succession, 1702–1713, he was director of the capilla real.-Works, editions, recordings:...

     Zarzuela al Santísimo, Antonio Literes, Josep Carcoler
    Josep Carcoler
    Josep Carcoler was a Catalan composer. Some of his works are preserved in Latin American manuscripts.-Works, editions, recordings:...

    . Mapa Harmónico dir. Francesc Bonastre. Columna Musica 2005.
  • Salve Regina
    Salve Regina
    The "Salve Regina", also known as the Hail Holy Queen, is a Marian hymn and one of four Marian antiphons sung at different seasons within the Christian liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. The Salve Regina is traditionally sung at Compline in the time from the Saturday before Trinity...

    for soprano and contralto. Recorded in 2007.
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