Josep Carcoler
Josep Carcoler was a Catalan composer. Some of his works are preserved in Latin American manuscripts.

Works, editions, recordings

  • Stabat Mater
    Stabat Mater
    Stabat Mater is a 13th-century Roman Catholic hymn to Mary. It has been variously attributed to the Franciscan Jacopone da Todi and to Innocent III...

    . With works by Francisco Valls
    Francisco Valls
    Francisco Valls was a Spanish composer, theorist and maestro de capilla. Among his most known works are the mass Missa Scala Aretina and tract Mapa Armónico Práctico.-Life:...

    , Tomàs Milans
    Tomàs Milans
    Tomàs Milans was a Spanish composer. During the War of the Spanish Succession, 1702–1713, he was director of the capilla real.-Works, editions, recordings:...

     Zarzuela al Santísimo, Antonio Literes, Joan Rossell
    Joan Rossell
    Joan Rossell was a Catalan composer. He was maestro de capilla at the Cathedral of Toledo, where he was succeeded by another Catalan, Francesc Juncà .-Works, editions, recordings:...

    . Mapa Harmónico dir. Francesc Bonastre. Columna Musica 2005.
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