Kinistin Saulteaux Nation
Kinistin Saulteaux Nation is a Saulteaux
The Saulteaux are a First Nation in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada.-Ethnic classification:The Saulteaux are a branch of the Ojibwe nations. They are sometimes also called Anihšināpē . Saulteaux is a French term meaning "people of the rapids," referring to...

 First Nation located 39 kilometres (24.2 mi) southeast of Melfort, Saskatchewan
Melfort, Saskatchewan
Melfort is a small Canadian city in Saskatchewan, approximately southeast of Prince Albert, northwest of Saskatoon and north of Regina.According to The World Gazetteer, its population as of 2004 was 5,400...

, Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

. The Kinistin Saulteaux Nation is a signatory of Treaty No. 4
Treaty 4
Treaty 4 was a treaty established between Queen Victoria and the Cree and Saulteaux First Nations. The area covered by Treaty 4 represents most of current day southern Saskatchewan, plus small portions of what are today western Manitoba and southeastern Alberta....

, which was signed by Chief Yellow-quill on August 24, 1876.

Total registered population in February, 2009, was 913, of which the on-reserve population was 328 members. The First Nation is a member of the Saskatoon Tribal Council and have their urban offices in Saskatoon, SK as well as their Tribal Council offices.


The First Nation was originally part of the Yellow-quill Saulteaux Band, a Treaty Band named after a Treaty 4 signatory Chief Ošāwaškokwanēpi, whose name means "Green/Blue-quill." However, due to "š" merging with "s" in Nakawēmowin (Saulteaux language), this led to a mistranslation of his name as "Yellow-quill"—"yellow" being osāw-, while "green/blue" being ošāwaško- (or osāwasko- in Saulteaux). Kinistin is named after Chief Kiništin ("Cree"), one of the headmen for Chief Ošāwaškokwanēpi. Chief Kiništin came to Saskatchewan from Western Ontario along with his two brothers, Miskokwanep ("Red [Crow-]Feather") and Mehcihcākanihs ("Coyote"). In 1901, lands were set aside for the Kinistin Band. Soon after the death of Chief Ošāwaškokwanēpi, the Yellow-quill Saulteaux Band divided into three groups, with the group originally headed by Chief Kiništin becoming the Kinistin Saulteaux Nation.


The First Nation have reserved for themselves three reserve
Indian reserve
In Canada, an Indian reserve is specified by the Indian Act as a "tract of land, the legal title to which is vested in Her Majesty, that has been set apart by Her Majesty for the use and benefit of a band." The Act also specifies that land reserved for the use and benefit of a band which is not...

s: Kinistin Reserve 91, which serves as their main Reserve. Kinistin Reserve 91A Treaty Four Reserve Grounds (Indian Reserve 77), which is shared with 32 other First Nations.


Kinistin have an elected tribal council consisting of a chief and five councillors. The current council for the two-year long electoral term ending on May 25, 2009, consists of Chief Felix Thomas and Councillors Peter Nippi, Gregory Scott, Tina Thomas, Trevor Cheekinew and Wayne Thomas.

External links

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