Koštany nad Turcom
Košťany nad Turcom:sk:Košťany nad Turcom is a village
A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet with the population ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand , Though often located in rural areas, the term urban village is also applied to certain urban neighbourhoods, such as the West Village in Manhattan, New...

 and municipality
A municipality is essentially an urban administrative division having corporate status and usually powers of self-government. It can also be used to mean the governing body of a municipality. A municipality is a general-purpose administrative subdivision, as opposed to a special-purpose district...

 in Martin District
Martin District
Martin District is a district in the Žilina Region of central Slovakia.Until 1918, the district was part of the Hungarian county of Turiec.- Municipalities :*Belá-Dulice*Benice*Blatnica*Bystrička*Diaková*Dolný Kalník*Dražkovce...

, in Turiec
Turóc , , /comitatus Thurociensis) is the name of a historic administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary...

 territory, and in Žilina Region
Žilina Region
The Žilina Region is one of the eight Slovak administrative regions and consists of 11 districts .-Geography:It is located in northern Slovakia and has an area of 6,804 km² and a population of 694,763 . The whole area is mountainous, belonging to the Western Carpathians...

 of northern Slovakia
The Slovak Republic is a landlocked state in Central Europe. It has a population of over five million and an area of about . Slovakia is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south...



In historical records of the village
A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet with the population ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand , Though often located in rural areas, the term urban village is also applied to certain urban neighbourhoods, such as the West Village in Manhattan, New...

, a dwelling 'villa Coschan' was first mentioned in year 1323.
Main occupation of locals has been focused on agriculture and seasonal food-harvests that were produced for various landlords who resided in Košťany nad Turcom eversince.

Abandoning feudal servitude Feudalism
Feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries, which, broadly defined, was a system for ordering society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.Although derived from the...

 in 1848 and declaring basic freedom rights led residents to develop more commercial activities such crafts and trade. In 20th century, especially during communist regime Joint agriculture and farming Collective farming
Collective farming
Collective farming and communal farming are types of agricultural production in which the holdings of several farmers are run as a joint enterprise...

 remained major daily bread for locals.

Early years of new millennium have seen legislative support towards larger businesses, which led to few industrial factories growth in Košťany nad Turcom.
In fact, most residents commute to Martin Martin, Slovakia
Martin, Slovakia
Martin is a city in northern Slovakia, situated on the Turiec river, between the Malá Fatra and Veľká Fatra mountains, near the city of Žilina. The population numbers approximately 58,000, which makes it the eighth largest city in Slovakia...

, major workhub in Turiec
Turóc , , /comitatus Thurociensis) is the name of a historic administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary...



The village settlement lies at an altitude of 410 metres and covers an area of 6.436 km². It has a population of about 1,095 people. It lies on Turiec river, Košťany nad Turcom as the whole Turiec basin
Turiec Basin
The Turiec Basin is located in the northern part of central Slovakia, within the Fatra-Tatra Area of the Inner Western Carpathians.The basin is delimited by the mountain ranges of Veľká Fatra to the east, Malá Fatra to the west and north, as well as Žiar and Kremnica Mountains to the south. The...

 (Turčianska kotlina) are surrounded by mountain range
Mountain range
A mountain range is a single, large mass consisting of a succession of mountains or narrowly spaced mountain ridges, with or without peaks, closely related in position, direction, formation, and age; a component part of a mountain system or of a mountain chain...

 Greater Fatra
Greater Fatra
Greater Fatra or Veľká Fatra is a mountain range in the Western Carpathians in Slovakia. In the geomorphological system, it is a part of the Fatra-Tatra Area. It is situated approximately among the towns of Ružomberok, Harmanec, Turčianske Teplice and Martin...

 (Veľká Fatra) on east-north and by mountain range Lesser Fatra
Lesser Fatra
Lesser Fatra is a mountain range in the Western Carpathians in the north-west of Central Slovakia. In the geomorphological system, it is a part of the Fatra-Tatra Area....

 (Malá Fatra) on west.

Places of interest

Košťany nad Turcom as other allied villages in Turiec
Turóc , , /comitatus Thurociensis) is the name of a historic administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary...

 lies in picturesque scenery. Near mountain ranges offer abundance of outdoor opportunities; from trekking or bouldering
Bouldering is a style of rock climbing undertaken without a rope and normally limited to very short climbs over a crash pad so that a fall will not result in serious injury. It is typically practiced on large natural boulders or artificial boulders in gyms and outdoor urban areas...

 in summer, to cross-country skiing
Cross-country skiing
Cross-country skiing is a winter sport in which participants propel themselves across snow-covered terrain using skis and poles...

 or kiteboarding in winter. Local castle ruins sightseeing, geocaching
Geocaching is an outdoor sporting activity in which the participants use a Global Positioning System receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", anywhere in the world....

, mountain-biking etc.

Turóc , , /comitatus Thurociensis) is the name of a historic administrative county of the Kingdom of Hungary...

 region is also rich in precious mineral water sources, or you can visit few of the left sheep-farming chalets called 'salaš
Salaš is a village in the municipality of Zaječar, Serbia. According to the 2002 census, the village has a population of 962 people....

' scattered on the hill tops. If you are not that lucky to find them, then try ruins of ancient castles List of castles in Slovakia in few neighbor villages.

On the top of landscape beauty, 3 km north of the village sits forest area 'Jahodnícke Háje', with hidden 'skanzen'. Skanzen is another name in Slovakia for an open air museum
Open air museum
An open-air museum is a distinct type of museum exhibiting its collections out-of-doors. The first open-air museums were established in Scandinavia towards the end of the nineteenth century, and the concept soon spread throughout Europe and North America. Open-air museums are variously known as...

. From all open air museums in Slovakia
Open air museums in Slovakia
Slovakia has around 14 open air museums, or skanzens, showcasing the country's folk traditions, architecture, and economic history. The museums include examples of traditional buildings and furnishings, and many offer demonstrations of traditional handicrafts...

, Jahodnícke háje (or Martin) skanzen is the largest one and it's worth to pay a visit especially during Christian holidays (recommended are Christmas and Easter..) as presentations of life from ancient times, markets with historical items, marches, and dances occur regularly. Dwelling houses, barns, church, and even taverna have been carefully replaced from various parts of Slovakian rural areas, brought to skanzen grounds and rebuilt in original style. http://www.skanzenmartin.sk/ (see map in external links for directions)

Profound residents

Ivan Zbíňovský - Merchant and amateur Entomologist and Lepidopterologist &
PhDr. Andrej POLONEC CSc. - Writer
A writer is a person who produces literature, such as novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, poetry, or other literary art. Skilled writers are able to use language to portray ideas and images....

External links

  • council website: http://www.kostanynadturcom.sk
  • local recommendations by Tupalo: http://tupalo.com/en/search?q=martin%2C+slovakia&commit=Search
  • flag and coat of arms: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/sk-mt-kt.html#kt
  • detailed map: http://mapper.acme.com/?ll=49.03832,18.92498&z=12&t=M&marker0=49.03333%2C18.90000%2CKo%C5%A1%C5%A5any%20nad%20Turcom&marker1=49.03832%2C18.92498%2C3.2%20km%20S%20of%20Martin
  • slovak web about hiking around Turiec: http://hiking.sk/hk/li/-mala_fatra.html
  • images on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/map/?fLat=49.033333&fLon=18.9&zl=5
  • images on Panoramio: http://www.panoramio.com/map/#lt=49.028035&ln=18.905021&z=2&k=1&a=1&tab=1


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