List of CHERUB characters
This is a list of characters from Robert Muchamore
Robert Muchamore
Robert Kilgore Muchamore is an English author, most notable for writing the CHERUB and Henderson's Boys novels.-Prior to writing:...

CHERUB is a series of young adult spy novels, written by the English author Robert Muchamore, focusing around a division of the British Security Service named CHERUB, which employs minors, predominantly orphans, as intelligence officers...

series of books.

James Robert Anthony Adams
James Adams (character)
James Robert Anthony Adams is the main character of the CHERUB series by British author Robert Muchamore. He is a prominent part of all the First Series Cherub books: The Recruit, Class A, Maximum Security, The Killing, Divine Madness, Man Vs...

Born James Robert Choke in 1991, in Tufnell Park
Tufnell Park
Tufnell Park is an area of north London, England which straddles the border of the London Borough of Islington and the London Borough of Camden.-Origins:...

, London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

. The main protagonist, James suffers from anger management difficulties, often landing him in trouble. It is these anger management issues that get him expelled from school in The Recruit
CHERUB: The Recruit
The Recruit is the first novel in the CHERUB series, written by Robert Muchamore. It introduces most of the main characters, such as James Adams , Lauren Adams , Kyle Blueman and Kerry Chang...

, in which he is recruited into CHERUB following the death of his criminal mother. James has had many girlfriends in the books, notably Kerry Chang and Dana Smith, both fellow agents. He is said to be intelligent particularly at maths but being extremely lazy in school as well. He has sex three times, once with Lois, Dana and Reina (Brigands)He ends up dating Kerry again at the end of Brigands M.C., although he leaves a year before earry to go to university in America and it is unclear whether their long-distance relationship will survive. James Robert Choke had to change his name to James Robert Anthony Adams when he decided to join CHERUB at the beginning of The Recruit. He is the main character of all 12 CHERUB books. James' final mission is Shadow Wave. At the end of his CHERUB Life, he returns to his "Choke" surname and switches his two forenames around, to become Robert James Choke. James is not mentioned in the new series of "CHERUB".

Lauren Zoe Adams
Lauren Adams
Lauren Adams is one of the principal protagonists in the fictional book series CHERUB by British author Robert Muchamore and the sister of James Adams, the main protagonist...

Born Lauren Zoe Onions in 1994, in Tufnell Park
Tufnell Park
Tufnell Park is an area of north London, England which straddles the border of the London Borough of Islington and the London Borough of Camden.-Origins:...

, London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

. Lauren is James' half-sister and after the death of her mother, lives with her father Ronald Onions for a short time, until he is arrested for smuggling and assault; she is then recruited to CHERUB. She has accompanied her brother on missions in Maximum Security, Divine Madness, Man vs. Beast
CHERUB: Man Vs. Beast
Man vs Beast is the sixth novel of the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore.- Plot summary:The book starts with a 14 year old witnessing his mother getting assaulted by two masked men who are working for the Animal Freedom Militia, an animal liberation group...

and Brigands MC. It is in Man Vs. Beast that she turns vegetarian, after seeing the cruelty suffered by animals used for laboratory tests. She has an on/off boyfriend on campus,Greg "Rat" Rathbone, although they became simply friends again somewhere between The Fall and Mad Dogs but later dated each other again.

Kyle Blueman
Kyle Blueman
----Kyle Theodore Blueman is one of the main protagonists of the CHERUB series by British author Robert Muchamore.-Personality:Kyle is generally kind and considerate and is decent to his fellow cherubs...

Born 1989, somewhere in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. A key character in the early stories, Kyle recruited James into CHERUB through sharing a room with him in the children's home James inhabits following the death of his mother. Kyle is renowned around campus for his pirate DVD business. It is revealed in Class A
Class A
Class A may refer to:* Class A airfield, a standardised design for military airfields built throughout Britain from 1942* Class A airspace, an airspace class defined by the ICAO* class A amplifier, a category of electronic amplifier...

that Kyle is homosexual, and he gets his first boyfriend, Tom Carter, in Man Vs. Beast. Kyle retired from campus in Mad Dogs, after he got kicked out by Zara for breaking down her front door in an attempt to stop Mr Large from killing Zara's dog Meatball. He is James Adams' best and oldest friend.

Kerry Chang
Kerry Chang
-Kerry Chang:Kerry is a CHERUB agent. She was James Adams training partner due to her unavailability to complete basic training she said that if she didnt complete it this time she would give it up but with the help of James Adams |James Adams she completes it . they have many arguments but they...

Born Ling Chang in 1992, in Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China , the other being Macau. A city-state situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour...

. Kerry is recruited to CHERUB in 1998, after losing both her parents in an apartment block fire in 1995, and being found wandering the streets alone. Kerry is James' basic training partner, and they share an on/off romance between the books Class A and The Fall. In Class A, she accompanies James Adams, Kyle Blueman and Nicole Eddison on the mission, posing as an adoptive sister. After breaking up with James in The Fall, she dates Bruce Norris, however it is revealed in The Sleepwalker that she still harbours some feelings for James, also in The General Kerry breaks up with Bruce in the very end. She ends up going out with James in the end of Brigands MC. At the end of Shadow Wave, Kerry gets accepted in Stanford University and goes there with James.

Bruce Norris

Born Aled Thomas in 1992, Prestatyn, Wales. James met Bruce when he had his martial arts test, and has since been on missions with him. Though he acts tough, he sleeps with a blue teddy bear. In the book Mad Dogs, he is seen to be going out with Kerry and this relationship is continued in The Sleepwalker and The General. However, the last line of The General mentions that Kerry and Bruce have had a row and had broken up. He later goes out with Bethany Parker and has sex with her, but they break up, too. In Mad Dogs he goes with James in their mission to infiltrate the Mad Dogs football club and is given a black shirt by Zara for his outstanding performance.

Dana Smith

Born in 1990. Another agent who was James girlfriend from The Fall to The General
The General
The General may refer to:Film and television:* The General , a Buster Keaton film* The General , a John Boorman drama about Dublin criminal Martin Cahill...

. She is bulky and curvy and is said to have large breasts. She has an intense dislike for people who are of a higher rank but younger than her. She first featured in The Killing, and is one year older than James Adams and two years older than James's previous girlfriend. She split up with him, after having sex with Michael Hendry (who she briefly dated for 4 weeks after the end of her 13 month relationship with James) in The General. Also, she forgives James for having sex with Sasha Thompsons daughter (Lois Thompson) in Mad Dogs. She last appeared in The General, and comes back to Chloe Blake's wedding on campus in Shadow Wave
Shadow Wave
Shadow Wave is the twelfth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. It was published by Hodder Children's Books on 26 August 2010, and features the final mission of the long-standing central character James Adams. A limited edition of Shadow Wave, with an orange cover , was made available...


Dante Welsh

Born Dante Scott in 1994, Salcombe Devon. Dante made his first appearance in Brigands MC. According to Muchamore
Robert Muchamore
Robert Kilgore Muchamore is an English author, most notable for writing the CHERUB and Henderson's Boys novels.-Prior to writing:...

, he is the most important character introduction since Rat in Divine Madness. He joined CHERUB after his parents and all but one sibling were murdered by a biker gang, known as the Brigands Motorcycle Club. He rescues his eighteen-month old sister Holly and they both escape. After two months,he was recruited to Cherub with Lauren, and began training at the same time as her, completing it while she had to restart. Four years later he had spent the past 32 months on a mission in Belfast, enough to go straight from grey to black shirt (after Zara bent the rules slightly). He then went on a mission with Lauren and James in Brigands M.C. in which he infiltrates the biker gang that killed his family.

Amy Collins

Born Jennifer Amy Pegg in 1987, Prestwich, Greater Manchester, England. In 1988, her father and younger brother died in a car accident, and her mother died of throat cancer. Amy is physically strong and skilled in karate
is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands in what is now Okinawa, Japan. It was developed from indigenous fighting methods called and Chinese kenpō. Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands. Grappling, locks,...

, judo
is a modern martial art and combat sport created in Japan in 1882 by Jigoro Kano. Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the object is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an...

 and aikido
is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often translated as "the Way of unifying life energy" or as "the Way of harmonious spirit." Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to...

. She excels at sports, especially swimming and diving. Amy is color blind.

Amy was in CHERUB from 1992-2004. In The Recruit, Amy was James's swimming instructor, and acted as his elder sister on his first mission. In Class A, she taught James computer hacking skills he needed during his mission. She retired from CHERUB after achieving six A-levels
GCE Advanced Level
The Advanced Level General Certificate of Education, commonly referred to as an A-level, is a qualification offered by education institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Cameroon, and the Cayman Islands...

 (four in foreign languages). She moved to Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

 to live with her brother John, got a job as a security guard, then began studying Marine Biology at the University of Cairns in Australia. She also appeared in Divine Madness and Shadow Wave.

In The new book "People's Republic" Amy is a fairly important character, helping Ryan throughout the mission while acting as his older sister.

Shakeel Dajani

Born Ahmed Shakeel in 1992, Egypt. Shakeel was on basic training with James and Kerry. His father was an asylum seeker from Egypt who died as a result of a heart attack. He excels at team sports,especially rugby, which makes up for his underperformance in academic subjects by CHERUB standards. He is a good friend of James.

Nicole Eddison

Born Nikki Vandome in 1992, Tottenham, London, England. Nicole started basic training with James and Kerry, but dropped out on her first day, after being told she was too fat. She eventually completed basic training, but was permanently excluded from CHERUB after snorting cocaine in Class A. She has an intense disliking for old people because her parents were killed by some old guy who ran them over but got away with it because the authorities judged him not aware of his actions.

Michael Hendry

Born Jordan Lindsay in 1991, Ipswich. He first appeared in The Fall as Gabrielle O'Brien's boyfriend, and arguably his biggest role in any book was Mad Dogs, where he tried infiltrating a gang known as the Slasher Boys. The mission went catastrophically wrong as Gabrielle got stabbed, but the mission carried on. He broke up with Gabrielle after cheating on her for Dana, James' girlfriend. He and James had a fight during a football match. Unlike Gabrielle, he isn't from the Caribbean, though could pass for it, as in Mad Dogs it says he was born and grew up in England.

Andy Lagan

Born Christopher Holmes in 1994, Salford, England. James makes him cry in The Killing by slapping him after his breakup with Kerry. He is later Rat's best friend, accompanying Rat in his mission in Dark Sun. He went out with Bethany before she dumped him for Bruce Norris.

David "Dave" Moss

Born David Rogers in 1988, Eastry, Kent, England. Dave is James's partner in Maximum Security and in The Killing. He is known as 'one of the coolest guys on campus', having won all martial art competitions which he had entered, as well as having an exceptional success rate on missions. He is physically described as fit and good looking. In the past he impregnated another member of CHERUB. He retired from CHERUB after The Killing, but makes a brief return in The Sleepwalker.he is known for getting girls, having sex, and then treating them like dirt.

Gabrielle O'Brien

Born Gabrielle Ruthven in Jamaica in 1991. Gabrielle's parents had worked with CHERUB agents on previous missions until their death. Gabrielle is Kerry Chang's best friend and was on basic training with Kerry and James. In Mad Dogs, she almost dies after getting stabbed. She breaks up with her boyfriend Michael in The General when she discovers him cheating on her.

Bethany Parker

Born Elissa Bethany Paloma in Newcastle Under Lyme, England. Bethany is Lauren's best friend. James generally can't stand her, often to the annoyance of Lauren. Her brother is Jake Parker, and she obtains her navy shirt at the start of The Sleepwalker. Her parents died in a sightseeing helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon in 2001. She is described as medium build with dark hair, green eyes and she is also described as having massive jugs by Ronan Walsh in The General. In Shadow Wave, she is expelled from CHERUB for keeping in contact with a boy she met on a mission after it had ended, and now lives close to campus.

Jake Parker

Born Jacob Paloma in 1996, Newcastle Under Lyme, England. Jake is Bethany's younger brother, he accompanies Lauren on a mission in The Sleepwalker. His parents died in a sightseeing helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon in 2001.

Greg "Rat" Rathbone

Born Rathbone Regan in 1994, Northern Territory, Australia. Rat was brought up under harsh physical conditions in the Australian Outback, as youngest son of the leader of a famous cult known as The Survivors. Rat is highly intelligent, although tests undertaken on CHERUB campus have failed to replicate the IQ of 197 that he claimed to possess while living in the Survivor's Ark. He secretly shares a relationship with Lauren, later telling everyone that they are going out in The Fall, but in Mad Dogs they decide to be 'just friends'. Rat is the main agent character in the mini book, Dark Sun. It is also revealed, in the Fall, that he has bushy hair after Lauren claimed that she didn't want to go out with 'a boy with a bird's nest mounted on its head'. In the book, 'The General' it's revealed during the war game that Rat and Lauren Adams have a relationship. And was also in the book "Divine Madness".

Connor Reilly

Born Connor Farnworth in 1993, Croydon, Greater London, England. Connor is Callum Reilly's identical twin, and was on basic training with James and Kerry. He completed the training the first time, whereas Callum dropped out because of his fractured wrist.

Callum Reilly

Born Callum Farnworth in 1993, Croydon, Surrey, England. Callum is Connor Reilly's identical twin, and was on basic training with James and Kerry. He had to drop out when he fractured his wrist, but completed training on his second attempt.

Kevin Sumner

Born Kevin Peterson in 1997, Farnborough, England. Has a fear of heights, but he is rather rambunctious at times. His fear of heights and his anger, along with James and Bruce, help him through the pressure in The Fall.
He also made a brief appearance in the General, sharing a room with Lauren, although being bullied by Bruce and James gave him weren't mentioned.


One of the CHERUB agents appearing in a couple the novels. He is currently attending university but comes back often to help out on campus. He has a very fit build. In The Recruit he and a mate "help" James learn how to swim, the hard way.

CHERUB staff

  • Dr Terence 'Mac' McAfferty, born Terence Henderson in 1941, Ayrshire, Scotland. Son of Charles Henderson, founder of CHERUB. Chairman of CHERUB until the end of Man vs Beast when he retires at age 65 and Zara Asker is promoted in his place. Joined CHERUB in 1950 to 1959, and retired after 19 missions. He returns in The Sleepwalker after his wife, daughter-in-law and grandchildren are killed when their plane crashes, he then accompanies Lauren Adams and Jake Parker in their mission. In the end he adopts Fahim Bin Hassam, the son of the main suspect who gets killed in a shootout with the police. Fahim attempted to join CHERUB but failed the tests as he spoke in his sleep.

  • Zara Asker, born Jacqueline Oxford in 1970, Telford, Shropshire, she became chairwoman of CHERUB after the retirement of Dr. McAfferty in July 2006. She married Ewart Asker in 2001 and has three children, Joshua, Tiffany and Jonah. She was a CHERUB agent between 1978 (aged 8) and 1988, and earned a black shirt in 1984, becoming one of the youngest agents to do so. She is known as a motherly figure, but can dish out harsh punishment when necessary. Her parents died in a plane crash over the amazon when she was a toddler. she lived with her grandad until he died of a heart attack in 1977.

  • Meryl Spencer, born in 1968, Kenya. Athletics coach at CHERUB and James' handler. Although she won a Gold Medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, she was never a CHERUB agent.

  • Ewart Asker, born Ewart St Clair-Fitzsimmons in 1976, Freetown, Rhodesia. Mission Controller at CHERUB. Married to Zara Asker in 2001 and has three children, Joshua, Tiffany and Jonah. CHERUB agent from 1986 (aged 10) to 1993. Earned black shirt after 22 successful missions, earned navy shirt after exaggerating his report on a mission with George Pike. His life is saved by James and Dana in The Fall. He asks James to be his son's godfather in The Sleepwalker.

  • John Jones, born 1957, Bexley, London. He worked in police force, before moving to MI5
    The Security Service, commonly known as MI5 , is the United Kingdom's internal counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of its core intelligence machinery alongside the Secret Intelligence Service focused on foreign threats, Government Communications Headquarters and the Defence...

    , and then later accepting a job at CHERUB as a Mission Controller in 2004. Was never a CHERUB agent, and frequently works with James and Lauren on their missions.

  • Chloe Blake, born Chloe Hoffman in 1981, Dover, Kent. Joined CHERUB in 1993 after the death of her grandmother. Earned a black shirt after 16 reasonably successful missions. Joined CHERUB as an Assistant Mission Controller in 2004 to work alongside John Jones. Promoted to Mission Controller in 2006. In the final book Shadow wave
    Shadow Wave
    Shadow Wave is the twelfth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. It was published by Hodder Children's Books on 26 August 2010, and features the final mission of the long-standing central character James Adams. A limited edition of Shadow Wave, with an orange cover , was made available...

     Chloe marries Isac, a red shirt carer.

  • Norman Large, born Eric Norman in 1963, Luton, Bedfordshire, he joined CHERUB in 1970(aged 7)along with his brother and two sisters after both his parents died in a house fire. He retired in 1976 (aged 13) after only 8 missions due to him already being 6 ft 2in and unable to pose unnoticed as a child. Finished schooling at Eton College and London School of Economics. Worked in army as Officer Cadet of the Parachute Regiment,where he won a bravery medal after the Gulf War. He later worked as an SAS Training Officer, before he rejoined CHERUB as Physical Education Instructor in 1996 and was promoted to head of basic training in 2000. In Class A he developed a grudge against Lauren Adams for hitting him in the back with a shovel, which caused him to fall into a hole during Lauren's first attempt at basic training. As a result, in 2006 he was demoted to regular training officer following disciplinary action concerning his bullying towards Lauren Adams. Large lives with his partner Gareth Brooks, an accountant, adopting a daughter together, Hayley in 2002. After blackmailing Lauren in Mad Dogs, threatening to kill the Chairwoman's dog and a drunken incident in The Fall, Large was forced to resign from CHERUB, after which he moved away and got a job as a security guard.He is also the father of Aron.

  • George Pike, born Angus Carr in 1976 in Glasgow. Joined CHERUB in 1980 (aged 4), passing basic training in 1986. He retired from CHERUB in 1993 and went on to study Military History at the University of Perth in Western Australia. In 1996 he joined the Royal Australian Air Force and served as a cargo pilot, although later returned to Britain and rejoined CHERUB as a training instructor. Has a partner and two daughters, Megan and Matilda, born in 1999 and 2003 respectively. He also has an intense dislike of Ewart Asker. He hated Ewart because when they were agents, Ewart agreed to write Pike's essay for him, but while Ewart was close to perfect, he did a lot of mistakes in Pike's.

  • Yosyp Kazakov, born in 1959 in Berdyansk, Ukraine. Joined the Soviet Army in 1977 and fought two tours of duty. He was awarded two medals for valiant conduct and transferred to Spetsnaz special forces unit. He served on numerous operations with Russian special forces and spent time working as both a training instructor and on diplomatic protection duties. After retiring from the Russian army, Kazakov was recruited by NATO to consult on Russian military training. He was then a training advisor for British special forces and the security services and joined CHERUB as a training instructor in 2007. He has a key part in The General as he is the team leader in the book's main training exercise. It is also known that he hates the United States because they supplied the missile that killed his brother. It is also revealed that he is often mistaken for a Russian, much to his dislike. At the end of the The General he and James go into two casinos and cheat on Blackjack
    Blackjack, also known as Twenty-one or Vingt-et-un , is the most widely played casino banking game in the world...

     using a card-counting technique. It is revealed they won almost $100,000.

Other past cherubs

  • Millie Kentner, was born in 1971. she served as a CHERUB agent from 1981-1988 retiring with a black shirt and eleven missions with her role in the 1985 miner's strike being described as 'one of the most outstanding performances by a CHERUB agent, ever.' Now works for the Metropolitan Police, but sometimes calls in favours from CHERUB.

CHERUB villains and targets

  • Barry Cox - Divine Madness
    CHERUB: Divine Madness
    Divine Madness is the fifth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel, CHERUB agents James and Lauren go to Australia to investigate a cult called the survivors.- Plot Summary :...

    - An Australian ex-soldier with ties to Help Earth.
  • Brian Evans - The Recruit
    CHERUB: The Recruit
    The Recruit is the first novel in the CHERUB series, written by Robert Muchamore. It introduces most of the main characters, such as James Adams , Lauren Adams , Kyle Blueman and Kerry Chang...

    , Divine Madness
    CHERUB: Divine Madness
    Divine Madness is the fifth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel, CHERUB agents James and Lauren go to Australia to investigate a cult called the survivors.- Plot Summary :...

    - Known as Bungle, a Help Earth terrorist attempting to kill people with the disease anthrax
    Anthrax is an acute disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Most forms of the disease are lethal, and it affects both humans and other animals...

    . Is seen in Australia in Divine Madness.
  • Fire and World Dunn - The Recruit
    CHERUB: The Recruit
    The Recruit is the first novel in the CHERUB series, written by Robert Muchamore. It introduces most of the main characters, such as James Adams , Lauren Adams , Kyle Blueman and Kerry Chang...

    - Also attempted to kill people with anthrax.
  • Rhiannon Jules - Man Vs. Beast
    CHERUB: Man Vs. Beast
    Man vs Beast is the sixth novel of the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore.- Plot summary:The book starts with a 14 year old witnessing his mother getting assaulted by two masked men who are working for the Animal Freedom Militia, an animal liberation group...

    - A hardcore animal rights activist.
  • Vivian Carter - Man Vs. Beast
    CHERUB: Man Vs. Beast
    Man vs Beast is the sixth novel of the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore.- Plot summary:The book starts with a 14 year old witnessing his mother getting assaulted by two masked men who are working for the Animal Freedom Militia, an animal liberation group...

    - A hardcore animal rights activist.
  • Keith Moore - Class A
    CHERUB: Class A
    Class A is the second book in the CHERUB series of books, written by Robert Muchamore.It continues the story of teenager James Adams and his fellow CHERUB agents as they try to bring down a drug cartel led by Keith Moore. The book was originally to be called Drugs, Cars and Guns. It received...

    - Europe's biggest cocaine dealer, although he hires young kids to deal cocaine, he wishes the best for his own children and tries to lead them away from drugs. He is defied by his son Junior who snorts cocaine. Keith runs the cocaine business through a boxing club with teens and close friends. He hides all his ill-earned money in overseas bank accounts and at the end of Class A he sets up all his money for his children. Days before he was to escape as fugitive and run from the law, he is stopped by thugs who try to get hold of his money.
  • Keith "Junior" Moore, Jr.- Class A
    CHERUB: Class A
    Class A is the second book in the CHERUB series of books, written by Robert Muchamore.It continues the story of teenager James Adams and his fellow CHERUB agents as they try to bring down a drug cartel led by Keith Moore. The book was originally to be called Drugs, Cars and Guns. It received...

    , Mad Dogs
    CHERUB: Mad Dogs
    Mad Dogs is the eighth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agents infiltrate a violent street gang.- Synopsis :...

    - A drug addict, alcoholic and delinquent and the son of Keith Moore. At first shown mostly as a Brawn Bully type boy but later shows more heart. He is the reason for Nicole Eddison's dismissal from CHERUB when he persuades her to snort cocaine. In Class A he is easily won over by James when James beats him up, and shows his loyalty by stealing PS2 games for him and becomes a cocaine dealer.
  • Denis Obidin - The Fall
    CHERUB: The Fall
    The Fall is the seventh novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agent James Adams is trapped in Russia, while his sister Lauren faces danger from human traffickers.-Plot:...

    - A corrupt oligarch who deals in illegal weapons. He has a frightening temper and has often said to have gone "over the top"
  • Vladmir Obidin - The Fall
    CHERUB: The Fall
    The Fall is the seventh novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agent James Adams is trapped in Russia, while his sister Lauren faces danger from human traffickers.-Plot:...

    - Denis' brother and the brutal head of police in Aero City.
  • Jane Oxford - Maximum Security
    CHERUB: Maximum Security
    Maximum Security is the third novel in the CHERUB series of books, written by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agents James Adams and Dave Moss infiltrate a maximum security prison in Arizona to get to the son of an international arms dealer....

    - A mentally unbalanced weapons dealer.
  • Curtis Oxford - Maximum Security
    CHERUB: Maximum Security
    Maximum Security is the third novel in the CHERUB series of books, written by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agents James Adams and Dave Moss infiltrate a maximum security prison in Arizona to get to the son of an international arms dealer....

    - Serving life in Arizona Maximum Security Prison for murder, but after escaping with James and Lauren in Maximum Security, his sentence is reduced to 7 years after it turns out that Jane Oxford (his mother) is doing things to him to make him "insane", and affecting his mental state.
  • Susie Regan - Divine Madness
    CHERUB: Divine Madness
    Divine Madness is the fifth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel, CHERUB agents James and Lauren go to Australia to investigate a cult called the survivors.- Plot Summary :...

    - A supermodel turned environmental activist.
  • Leon Tarasov - The Killing
    CHERUB: The Killing
    The Killing is the fourth novel of the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. The book chronicles the adventures of the CHERUB agents investigating a small-time crook who suddenly makes it big. The name of the novel come's from one of Robert Muchamore's favourite films. The novel was generally well...

    - A Russian-born small-time criminal wanted for various crimes, who suddenly acquired a lot of money.
  • Michael Patel - The Killing
    CHERUB: The Killing
    The Killing is the fourth novel of the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. The book chronicles the adventures of the CHERUB agents investigating a small-time crook who suddenly makes it big. The name of the novel come's from one of Robert Muchamore's favourite films. The novel was generally well...

    - A vicious Asian policeman who, thanks to James Adams/Choke, was found guilty of murder and corruption.
  • Patricia Patel - The Killing
    CHERUB: The Killing
    The Killing is the fourth novel of the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. The book chronicles the adventures of the CHERUB agents investigating a small-time crook who suddenly makes it big. The name of the novel come's from one of Robert Muchamore's favourite films. The novel was generally well...

    - The wife of police officer Michael Patel
  • Sasha Thompson - Mad Dogs
    CHERUB: Mad Dogs
    Mad Dogs is the eighth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agents infiltrate a violent street gang.- Synopsis :...

    - The leader of the vicious Mad Dogs crew.
  • Lois Thompson - Mad Dogs
    CHERUB: Mad Dogs
    Mad Dogs is the eighth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agents infiltrate a violent street gang.- Synopsis :...

    - Daughter of Sasha Thompson. Has sex with James Adams
  • DeShawn Andrews (Major Dee) - Mad Dogs
    CHERUB: Mad Dogs
    Mad Dogs is the eighth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. In this novel CHERUB agents infiltrate a violent street gang.- Synopsis :...

    - The leader of the Slasher Boys, one of several gangs involved in a bloody turf war that stretches from the outskirts of north London and as far north as Luton in Bedfordshire.
  • Hassam Bin Hassam - The Sleepwalker
    CHERUB: The Sleepwalker
    The Sleepwalker is the ninth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. It was released in February 2008. The book features Lauren Adams and Jake Parker in the lead roles, investigating an airline crash that a mentally disturbed boy called Fahim claims was caused by his father. Meanwhile,...

    - Suspected for sabotaging a plane.
  • Asif Bin Hassam - The Sleepwalker
    CHERUB: The Sleepwalker
    The Sleepwalker is the ninth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. It was released in February 2008. The book features Lauren Adams and Jake Parker in the lead roles, investigating an airline crash that a mentally disturbed boy called Fahim claims was caused by his father. Meanwhile,...

    - Hassam Bin Hassam's brother.
  • Kurt Lydon - Dark Sun
    CHERUB: Dark Sun
    Dark Sun is a World Book Day novella in the popular CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. It fits into the series between the books The Sleepwalker and The General.- Plot summary :...

    - A member of a nuclear organisation called Dark Sun.
  • Chris Bradford - The General
    CHERUB: The General
    The General is the tenth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. The primary action of the novel is set in the Nevada desert during a joint training exercise.-Plot summary:...

    - Leader of Anarchist Group S.A.G. (Street Action Group)
  • Ralph Donnington (The Führer) - Brigands M.C. - Leader of the South Devon chapter of the Brigands Motorcycle Club
  • Tan Abdullah - Shadow Wave
    Shadow Wave
    Shadow Wave is the twelfth novel in the CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore. It was published by Hodder Children's Books on 26 August 2010, and features the final mission of the long-standing central character James Adams. A limited edition of Shadow Wave, with an orange cover , was made available...

    - Corrupt Malaysian Defence Minister, who commits suicide after his corruption is exposed.

Ross Johnson

Ross is a police psychologist who looks after Dante for a while. He later becomes Chief of Police and calls in CHERUB to work against the Brigands.

Fahim McAfferty

Fahim Bin Hassam is the son of Hassam Bin Hassam - a suspect in the crash of a jet airliner - and was adopted by former chairman Dr. Terence McAfferty. He failed CHERUB entry tests due to his sleeptalking. Lauren Adams was saddend by this because she was fond of Fahim.

April Moore

She first appears in Class A
Class A
Class A may refer to:* Class A airfield, a standardised design for military airfields built throughout Britain from 1942* Class A airspace, an airspace class defined by the ICAO* class A amplifier, a category of electronic amplifier...

. She is Keith Moore's daughter and Junior Moore's twin sister. Nicole befriends her as per the mission and the two get along really well. She later becomes James's girlfriend (briefly) before being dumped in favor of Kerry. James's watch, which was with her, is crushed and sent back to him with a note "Hope you die slowly - April". She reappears in Mad Dogs briefly. She holds a grugde against James for dumping her when she was so infatuated by him. She is also worried about her twin, Junior as he is getting into a lot of trouble. She truly cares for Junior and Julie, her mother.
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